Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/61

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PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 2695 period and notifies the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives of that determination and the reasons for the determination. (f) PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAMS PROMOTING RESEARCH, DEVEL- OPMENT, DEMONSTRATION, OR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY. — (1) A federally funded research and development center of the Department of Defense that functions primarily as a research laboratory may respond to solicitations and announcements under programs authorized by the Federal Government for the purpose of promoting the research, development, demonstration, or transfer of technology in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of such program. (2) A federally funded research and development center described in paragraph (1) that responds to a solicitation or announcement described in such paragraph shall not be considered to be engaging in a competitive procedure and may use, among other authorities, cooperative research and development agreements provided for under section 12 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a)) as the instruments of participation in the solicitation or announcement. (g) STUDY OF ROLE OF FFRDCS IN THE MISSION OF THE DEPART- MENT OF DEFENSE. — The Secretary of Defense shall require the Defense Science Board to conduct a study of the role of federally funded research and development centers in the mission of the Department of Defense. The study shall include an analysis of how the centers fit into the mission of the Department of Defense, which capabilities of the centers are unique and have national security consequences, and how these capabilities can be retained. The study also shall reviev; the extent to which activities performed by such centers could be obtained through in-house capabilities of the Department of Defense or through competitive procedures with for-profit and nonprofit organizations. The Secretary shall Reports, submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report on the study not later than May 1, 1995. (h) REVIEW BY DEFENSE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF COMPARISON OF EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION OF FFRDCS. —(1) The Secretary of Defense shall require the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to conduct a review of the compensation paid by federally funded research and development centers to all the officers and employees of such centers who are paid at a rate exceeding the Executive Schedule Level I rate. (2) In conducting the review, the Inspector General shall— (A) assess the validity of the data submitted by federally funded research and development centers to the Defense Contract Audit Agency as justification for the salary rates that exceed the Executive Schedule Level I rate; (B) compare the compensation paid those individuals with (i) the compensation of similar technical and professional staff from for-profit and nonprofit organizations that must compete for defense work, and (ii) government officials of comparable expertise and responsibility; and (C) examine areas such as bonuses, medical benefits, severance packages, retirement plans, housing allowances, moving expenses, and other forms of nonsalary compensation, as appropriate.