Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/737

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PUBLIC LAW 103-355 —OCT. 13, 1994 108 STAT. 3371 Black colleges and universities, and minority institutions that each such entity brings into the program. "(3) Infrastructure assistance provided by the Department of Defense under this section to historically Black colleges and universities and to minority institutions may include programs to do the following: "(A) Establish and enhance undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense. "(B) Make Department of Defense personnel available to advise and assist faculty at such colleges and universities in the performance of defense research and in scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense. "(C) Establish partnerships between defense laboratories and historically Black colleges and imiversities and minority institutions for the purpose of training students in scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense. "(D) Award scholarships, fellowships, and the establishment of cooperative work-education programs in scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense. "(E) Attract and retain faculty involved in scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense. "(F) Equip and renovate laboratories for the performance of defense research, "(G) Expand and equip Reserve Officer Training Corps activities devoted to scientific disciplines critical to the national security fimctions of the Department of Defense. "(H) Provide other assistance as the Secretary determines appropriate to strengthen scientific disciplines critical to the national security functions of the Department of Defense or the college infrastructure to support the performance of defense research. "(4) The head of the agency shall, to the maximum extent practical, carry out programs under this section at colleges, universities, and institutions that agree to bear a substantial portion of the cost associated with the programs. "(d) APPLICABILITY.— Subsection (a) does not apply to the Department of Defense— "(1) to the extent to which the Secretary of Defense determines that compelling national security considerations require otherwise; and "(2) if the Secretary notifies Congress of such determination and the reasons for such determination. " (e) COMPETITIVE PROCEDURES AND ADVANCE PAYMENTS.—To attain the goal of subsection (a): "(1)(A) The head of the agency shall— "(i) ensure that substantial progress is made in increasing awards of agency contracts to entities described in subsection (a)(1); "(ii) exercise his utmost authority, resourcefulness, and dihgence; "(iii) in the case of the Department of Defense, actively monitor and assess the progress of the military depart- 79-194 O—95 —24:QL 3 Part 4