Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/869

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PUBLIC LAW 103-377—OCT. 19, 1994 108 STAT. 3503 (2) the compact has been approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 11(d)(8) of such Act (25 U.S.C. 2710(d)(8)); and (3) pursuant to liansfers carried out pursuant to the State Agreement, the United States holds title to lands described in esdiibit B of the State Agreement in trust for the Mohegan Tribe to be used as the initial Indian reservation of the Mohegan Tribe. (b) PUBLICATION BY SECRETARY. — If the Secretary makes a Federal determination under subsection (a) that the conditions specified 5!?fi?^r' in paragraphs (1) through (3) of that subsection have been met, P ^ ^ • the Secretary shall publish the determination, together with the State Agreement, in me Federal Register. (c) EFFECT OF PUBLICATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Upon the publication of the determination and the State Agreement in the Federal Register pursuant to subsection (b), a transfer, waiver, release, relinquishment, or other commitment made by the Mohegan Tnbe in accordance witii the terms and conditions of the State Agreement shall be in full force and effect (2) APPROVAL BY THE UNITED STATES.— (A) The United States hereby approves any transfer, waiver, release, relinquishment, or other commitment carried out pursuant to paragraph (1). (B) A transfer made pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with all provisions of Federal law that specifically apply to transfers of lands or natural resourcesfi:x)m,by, or on oenalf of an Indian, Indian nation, or tribe of Indians (mcluding the Act popularly known as the "Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790"; section 4 of the Act of July 22, 1790 (1 Stat. 137, chapter 33)). The approval of the United States made pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall apply to the transfer beginning on the date of the transfer. (d) EXTINGUISHMENT OF CLAIMS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Subject to subsections (f)(2) and (g), the following claims are hereby extinguished: (A) Any claim to land within the State of Connecticut based upon aboriginal title by the Mohegan Tribe. (B) Any otbier claim that the Mohegan Tribe may have with respect to any public or private lands or natural resources in Connecticut, including any claim or right based on recognized title, including— (i) any claim that the Mohegan Tribe may have to the tribal sequestered lands Dounded out to the Tribe in 1(384, consisting of some 20,480 acres lying between the Thames River, New London bounds, Norwich bounds, and Colchester bounds; (ii) any claim that the Mohegan Tribe may have based on a survey conducted under the authority of the Connecticut General Assembly in 1736 of lands reserved and sequestered by the General Assembly for the sole use and improvement of the Mohegan Indian Tribe; and (iii) any claim that the Mohegan Tribe may have based on any action by the State carried out in 1860 or 1861 or otherwise made by the State to allot, reallot, or confirm any lands of the Mohegan Tribe to individual Indians or other persons.