Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/1002

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108 STAT. 4492 PUBLIC LAW 103-433—OCT. 31, 1994 (3) If the Secretary, pursuant to paragraph (2), makes an affirmative determination concerning the claims specified in paragraph (1), the holder or holders of such claims shall be permitted to continue to operate such claims subject only to such regulations as applied on July 1, 1994 to the exercise of valid existing rights on patented mining claims within a unit of the National Park System. 16 USC SEC. 510. GRAZING. (a) The privilege of grazing domestic livestock on lands within the preserve shall continue to be exercised at no more than the current level, subject to applicable laws and National Park Service regulations. (b) If a person holding a grazing permit referred to in subsection (a) informs the Secretary that such permittee is willing to convey to the United States any base property with respect to which such permit was issued and to which such permittee holds title, the Secretary shall make the acquisition of such base property a priority as compared with the acquisition of other lands within the preserve, provided agreement can be reached concerning the terms and conditions of such acquisition. Any such base property which is located outside the preserve and acquired as a priority pursuant to this section shall be managed by the Federal agency responsible for the majority of the adjacent lands in accordance with the laws applicable to such adjacent lands. 16 USC SEC. 511. UTILITY RIGHTS OF WAY. 410aaa-51 (a)(1) Nothing in this title shall have the effect of terminating any validly issued right-of-way or customary operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement activities in such right-of-way, issued, granted, or permitted to Southern California Edison Company, its successors or assigns, which is located on lands included in the Mojave National Preserve, but outside lands designated as wilderness under section 601(a)(3), Such activities shall be conducted in a manner which will minimize the impact on preserve resources. (2) Nothing in this title shall have the effect of prohibiting the upgrading of an existing electrical transmission line for the purpose of increasing the capacity of such transmission line in the Southern California Edison Company validly issued Eldorado- Lugo Transmission Line right-of-way and Mojave-Lugo Transmission Line right-of-way, or in a right-of-way if issued, granted, or permitted by the Secretary adjacent to the existing Mojave- Lugo Transmission Line right-of-way (hereafter in this section referred to as "adjacent right-of-way"), including construction of a replacement transmission line: Provided, That— (A) in the Eldorado-Lugo Transmission Line rights-of-way (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Eldorado rightsof-way") at no time shall there be more than three electrical transmission lines; (B) in the Mojave-Lugo Transmission Line right-of-way (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Mojave rightof-way) and adjacent right-of-way, removal of the existing electrical transmission line and reclamation of the site shall be completed no later than three years after the date on which construction of the upgraded transmission line begins, after which time there may be only one electrical transmission line