Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/1021

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PUBLIC LAW 103-433—OCT. 31, 1994 108 STAT. 4511 (B) If the Secretary makes the determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) for any mining claim, the holder of the claim shall be entitled to the issuance of a patent in the same manner and degree to which such claim holder would have been entitled to prior to the enactment of this title, unless and until such determinations are withdrawn or invalidated by the Secretary or by a court of the United States. (2) MILL SITE CLAIMS. —(A) After January 11, 1993, no patent shall be issued by the United States for any mill site claim located under the general mining laws within the Bodie Bowl unless the Secretary determines that, for the claim concerned— (i) a patent application was filed with the Secretary on or before January 11, 1993; and (ii) all requirements applicable to such patent application were fully complied with by that date. (B) If the Secretary makes the determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) for any mill site claim, the holder of the claim shall be entitled to the issuance of a patent in the same manner and degree to which such claim holder would have been entitled to prior to the enactment of this title, unless and until such determinations are withdrawn or invalidated by the Secretary or by a court of the United States. SEC. 1005. MINERAL ACTiyiTIES. (a) IN GENERAL. —Notwithstanding the last sentence of section 302(b) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, and in accordance with this title and other applicable law, the Secretary shall require that mineral activities be conducted in the Bodie Bowl so as to— (1) avoid adverse effects on the historic, cultural, recreational, and natural resource values of the Bodie Bowl; and (2) minimize other adverse impacts to the environment. (b) RESTORATION OF EFFECTS OF MINING EXPLORATION.— AS soon as possible after the date of enactment of this Act, visible evidence or other effects of mining exploration activity within the Bodie Bowl conducted on or after September 1, 1988, shall be reclaimed by the operator in accordance with regulations prescribed pursuant to subsection (d). (c) ANNUAL EXPENDITURES; FILING.—The requirements for annual expenditures on unpatented mining claims imposed by Revised Statute 2324 (30 U.S.C. 28) shall not apply to any such claim located within the Bodie Bowl. In lieu of filing the affidavit of assessment work referred to under section 314(a)(1) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1744(a)(1)), the holder of any unpatented mining or mill site claim located within the Bodie Bowl shall only be required to file the notice of intention to hold the mining claim referred to in such section 314(a)(1). (d) REGULATIONS. — The Secretary shall promulgate rules to implement this section, in consultation with the Governor of the State of California, within 180 days after the date of enactment of this title. Such rules shall be no less stringent that the rules promulgated pursuant to the Act of September 28, 1976 entitled "An Act to provide for the regulation of mining activity within, and to repeal the application of mining laws to, areas of the National