Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/158

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108 STAT. 3648 PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 "(H) a description of how the local educational agency will coordinate the technology provided pursuant to this subpart with other grant funds available for technology from State and local sources; "(2) describe how the local educational agency will involve parents, public libraries, business leaders and community leaders in the development of such plan; "(3) describe how the acquired instructionally based tech- . nologies will help the local educational agency— "(A) promote equity in education in order to support State content standards and State student performance standards that may be developed; and "(B) provide access for teachers, parents and students to the best teaching practices and curriculum resources through technology; and "(4) describe a process for the ongoing evaluation of how technologies acquired under this section—

  • (A) will be integrated into the school curriculum; and

"(B) will affect student achievement and progress toward meeting the National Education Groals and any challenging State content standards and State student performance standards that may be developed. "(d) FORMATION OF CONSORTIA. — A local educational agency for any fiscal year may apply for financial assistance as part of a consortium with other local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, intermediate educational units, libraries, or other educational entities appropriate to provide local programs. The State educational agency may assist in the formation of consortia among local educational agencies, providers of educational services for adults and families, institutions of higher education, intermediate educational units, libraries, or other appropriate educational entities to provide services for the teachers and students in a local educational agency at the request of such local educational agency. "(e) COORDINATION OF APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS.— I f a local educational agency submitting an application for assistance under this section has developed a comprehensive education improvement plan, in conjunction with requirements under this Act or the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, the State educational agency may approve such plan, or a component of such plan, notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (e) if the State educational agency determines that such approval would further the purposes of this subpart. 20 USC 6846. "SEC. 3136. NATIONAL CHALLENGE GRANTS FOR TECHNOLOGY IN EDU- CATION. " (a) GRANTS AUTHORIZED.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— From amounts made available under section 3115(b)(1) for any fiscal year the Secretary is authorized to award grants, on a competitive basis, to consortia having applications approved under subsection (d), which consortia shall include at least one local educational agency with a high percentage or number of children living below the poverty line and may include other local educational agencies, State educational agencies, institutions of higher education, businesses, academic content experts, software designers, museums, libraries, or other appropriate entities.