Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/202

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108 STAT. 3692 PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 20 USC 7205. "SEC. 5105. ELIGmiLITY. "A local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies where appropriate, is eligible to receive assistance under this part to carry out the purposes of this part if such agency or consortium— "(1) is implementing a plan undertsiken pursuant to a final order issued by a court of the United States, or a court of any State, or any other State agency or official of competent jurisdiction, that requires the desegregation of minority-groupsegregated children or faculty in the elementary and secondary schools of such agency; or "(2) without having been required to do so, has adopted and is implementing, or will, if assistance is made available to such local educational agency or consortium of such agencies under this part, adopt and implement a plan that has been approved by the Secretary as adequate under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for the desegregation of minority- group-segregated children or faculty in such schools. 20 USC 7206. "SEC. 5106. APPLICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. "(a) APPLICATIONS.— An eligible local educational agency or consortium of such agencies desiring to receive assistance under this part shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information and assurances as the Secretary may reasonably require. "(b) INFORMATION AND ASSURANCES.—Each such application shall include— "(1) a description of— "(A) how assistance made available under this part will be used to promote desegregation, including how the proposed magnet school project will increase interaction among students of different social, economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds; "(B) the manner and extent to which the magnet school project will increase student achievement in the instructional area or areas offered by the school; "(C) how an applicant will continue the magnet school project after assistance under this part is no longer available, including, if applicable, an explanation of why magnet schools established or supported by the applicant with funds under this part cannot be continued without the use of funds under this part; "(D) how funds under this part will be used to implement services and activities that are consistent with other programs under this Act, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, and other Acts, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of section 14306; and "(E) the criteria to be used in selecting students to attend the proposed magnet school projects; and "(2) assurances that the applicant will— "(A) use funds under this part for the purposes specified in section 5102; "(B) employ State certified or licensed teachers in the courses of instruction assisted under this part to teach or supervise others who are teaching the subject matter of the courses of instruction; "(C) not engage in discrimination based on race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in—