Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/232

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108 STAT. 3722 PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 section 7116 to enable such entities to carry out activities described in paragraph (3), "(B) Each grant under this section shall be awarded for five years. " (2) TERMINATION.—The Secretary shall terminate grants to eligible entities under this section if the Secretary determines that— "(A) the program evaluation required by section 7123 indicates that students in the schoolwide program are not being taught to and are not making adequate progress toward achieving challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards; or "(B) in the case of a program to promote dual language facility, such program is not promoting such facility. "(3) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES.— Grants under this section may be used to improve the education of limited English proficient students and their families by— "(A) implementing family education programs and parent outreach and training activities designed to assist parents to become active participants in the education of their children; "(B) improving the instructional program for limited English proficient students by identifying, acquiring and upgrading curriculum, instructional materials, educational software and assessment procedures and, if appropriate, applying educational technology; "(C) compensating personnel, including teacher aides who have been specifically trained, or are being trained, to provide services to children and youth of limited English proficiency; "(D) providing tutorials and academic or career counseling for children and youth of limited-English proficiency; "(E) providing intensified instruction; and "(F) providing such other activities, related to the purposes of this part, as the Secretary may approve. "(4) SPECIAL RULE. —A grant recipient, before carrying out a program assisted under this section, shall plan, train personnel, develop curriculum, and acquire or develop materials. "(c) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES. —For the purpose of this section the term 'eligible entity' means— "(1) one or more local educational agencies; or "(2) one or more local educational agencies in collaboration with an institution of higher education, community-based organizations or a local or State educational agency. 20 USC 7425. "SEC. 7115, SYSTEMWIDE IMPROVEMENT GRANTS. "(a) PURPOSE.— The purpose of this section is to implement districtwide bilingual education programs or special alternative instruction programs to improve, reform, and upgrade relevant programs and operations, within an entire local educational agency, that serve a significant number of children and youth of limited English proficiency in local educational agencies with significant concentrations of such children and youth. "(b) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.— "(1) AUTHORITY. — (A) The Secretary is authorized to award grants to eligible entities having applications approved under