Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/462

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108 STAT. 3952 PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 an alternative method or methods determined by the lead entity in consultation with the Council. The lead entity shall also obtain the comments and recommendations of the Council. The lead entity, in conjunction with the Council, shall consider the recommendations and attempt to reach a consensus with respect to such recommendations. If the lead entity and the Council are unable to reach a consensus, the lead entity shall include a written explanation of the reason a consensus was not reached in the strategic plan. "(e) COMMENT. —The State shall develop a procedure for ensuring ongoing comment from the Council. "(f) DISSEMINATION.— The State shall widely disseminate the strategic plan to families of children with disabilities, parent organizations, and other interested persons. "(g) CONSTRUCTION. —Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a State from using an existing statewide strategic plan or parts thereof to meet the requirements of this section as long as such plan or the applicable parts thereof are comparable to the specifications of this section. 20 USC 14911. "SEC. 710. PROGRESS CRITERIA AND REPORTS. "(a) GUIDELINES. — The Secretary shall develop guidelines to be used in assessing the extent to which a State that received a grant under section 704 is making significant progress in developing and implementing, or expanding and enhancing, a statewide system of family support for families of children with disabilities consistent with the purposes of this part. "(b) PROGRESS REPORTS.— ^A State that receives a grant under section 704 shall submit annually to the Secretary a report that documents progress in developing and implementing, or expanding and enhancing, a statewide system of family support for families of children with disabilities consistent with this part. Such report shall include— "(1) the results of the annual evaluation of the statewide system of family support for families of children with disabilities; "(2) a description of the unanticipated problems with the achievement of the goals, objectives, and family-centered outcomes described in the application or strategic plan and the measures the State has taken to rectify such problems; "(3) for the annual progress report concerning the first year of the grant period, the strategic plan developed by the State during the first year; and "(4) for the annual progress report concerning subsequent years of the grant period, the updated strategic plan. 20 USC 1491J. "SEC. 711. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. "(a) EVALUATION OF GRANT APPLICATIONS.— "(1) PANELS.— The Secretary shall convene panels of experts who are competent, by virtue of their training or experience, to evaluate grant applications under this part. "(2) COMPOSITION OF PANELS. — Panels shall be composed of a majority of family members of children with disabilities and individuals with disabilities, and may include service providers, State administrative personnel, and professionals. Panels shall include a majority of individuals who are not Federal employees. "(3) EXPENSES AND FEES OF THE PANEL.—A member of the Panel who is not a Federal employee shall receive travel,