Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/519

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PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 108 STAT. 4009 in education from an accredited institution of higher education; "(iii) any activity in or related to the field of education notwithstanding that academic credits in educational theory and practice are not a formal requirement for the conduct of such activity; or "(iv) support services at, or associated with, the site of the school; or "(B) are performed at the agency level of the Bureau and involve the implementation of education-related programs other than the position for agency superintendent for education. "(2) The term 'educator* means an individual whose services are required, or who is employed, in an education position. "(o)(l) Subsections (a) through (n) of this section apply to an educator hired after November 1, 1979 (and to an educator who elected application under paragraph (2)) and to the position in which such individual is employed. Subject to paragraph (2), the enactment of this Act shall not affect the continued employment of an individual employed on October 31, 1979 in an education position, or such individual's right to receive the compensation attached to such position. "(2) Any individual employed in an education position on October 31, 1979, may, not later than November 1, 1983, make an irrevocable election to be covered under the provisions of subsections (a) through (n) of this section. "(p)(l) An educator who was employed in an education position on October 31, 1979, who was eligible to make an election under paragraph (2) of subsection (o) at that time, and who did not make the election under paragraph (2) of subsection (o), may not be placed on furlough (within the meaning of section 7511(a)(5) of title 5, United States Code) without the consent of such educator for an aggregate of more than 4 weeks within the same calendar year, unless— "(A) the supervisor, with the approval of the local school board (or of the education line officer upon appeal under paragraph (2)), of the Bureau school at which such educator provides services determines that a longer period of furlough is necessary due to an insufficient amount of funds available for personnel compensation at such school, as determined under the financial plan process as determined under section 1130(b) of this Act, and "(B) all educators (other than principals and clerical employees) providing services at such Bureau school are placed on furloughs of equal length, except that the supervisor, with the approval of the local school board (or of the agency education line officer upon appeal under paragraph (2)), may continue 1 or more educators in pay status if— "(i) such educators are needed to operate summer programs, attend summer training sessions, or participate in special activities including curriculum development committees; and "(ii) such educators are selected based upon such educator's qualifications, after public notice of the minimum qualifications reasonably necessary and without discrimination as to supervisory, nonsupervisory, or other status of the educators who apply.