Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/686

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108 STAT. 4176 PUBLIC LAW 103-403—OCT. 22, 1994 Grants. Contracts. Loans. Sec. 403. Federal contracts with small business development centers. Sec. 404. Small business development center program examination and certification. Sec. 405. Central European small business development. Sec. 406. Mobile resource center pilot program. Sec. 407. Information concerning franchising. Subtitle B—Development of Woman-Owned Businesses Sec. 411. Extension of authority for demonstration projects. Sec. 412. Establishment of Office of Women's Business Ownership. Sec. 413. Development of women's business enterprise. Sec. 414. Transition reimbursement. Sec. 415. Gift authority. Sec. 416. Conforming amendment. TITLE V—RELIEF FROM DEBENTURE PREPAYMENT PENALTIES Sec. 501. Short title. Sec. 502. Intention of Congress. Sec. 503. Prepayment of development company debentures. TITLE VI—MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS Sec. 601. SBA interest payments to Treasury. Sec. 602. Imposition of Tees. Sec. 603. Job creation and community benefit. Sec. 604. Microloan program amendments. Sec. 605. Technical clarification. Sec. 606. Study and data base: guaranteed business loan program and development company program. Sec. 607. SBIR vendors. Sec. 608. Program extension. Sec. 609. Prohibition on the use of funds for individuals not lawfully within the United States. Sec. 610. Office of Advocacy employees. Sec. 611. Prohibition on the provision of assistance. Sec. 612. Certification of compliance with child support obligations. Sec. 613. Advocacy study of paperwork and tax impact. TITLE I—AUTHORIZATIONS SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATIONS. Section 20 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 note) is amended by striking subsections (k) (as added by section 405(3) of the Small Business Credit and Business Opportunity Enhancement Act of 1992) through (p) and inserting the following: "(1) The following program levels are authorized for fiscal year 1995: "(1) For the programs authorized by this Act, the Administration is authorized to make— "(A) $45,000,000 in technical assistance grants as provided in section 7(m); and "(B) $130,000,000 in direct and immediate participation loans, and of such sum, the Administration is authorized to make— "(i) not more than $10,000,000 in loans, as provided in section 7(a)(10); and "(ii) not more than $120,000,000 in loans, as provided in section 7(m). "(2) For the programs authorized by this Act, the Administration is authorized to make $13,420,000,000 in deferred participation loans and other financings. Of such sum, the Administration is authorized to make— "(A) $9,150,000,000 in genergd business loans as provided in section 7(a);