Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/732

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108 STAT. 4222 PUBLIC LAW 103-407—OCT. 22, 1994 or sheep products, each importer and exporter of sheep or sheep products, and each person marketing sheep products of the person's own production to maintain, and make available for inspection, such books and records as may be required by the order and file reports at the time, in the manner, and having the content prescribed by the order. (2) USE OF INFORMATION.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Information from the records or reports shall be made available to the Secretary for the administration or enforcement of this Act, or any order or regulation issued under this Act. (B) OTHER INFORMATION. —The Secretary shall authorize the use under this Act of information regarding persons paying producers, feeders, importers, handlerp, or processors that is accumulated under a law or regulation other than this Act or a regulation issued under this Act. (3) CONFIDENTIALITY.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise provided in this Act, all information obtained under paragraph (1) or (2) shall be kept confidential by all ofiEicers and employees of the Department and of the Board. (B) DISCLOSURE. —Information referred to in subparagraph (A) may be disclosed only if— (i) the Secretary considers the information relevant; (ii) the information is revealed in a judicial proceeding or administrative hearing brought at the direction or on the request of the Secretary or to which the Secretary or any ofiScer of the Department is a party; and (iii) the information relates to this Act. (C) GENERAL STATEMENTS. —Nothing in this paragraph prohibits— (i) the issuance of general statements, based on the reports, of the number of persons subject to an order or statistical data collected from the persons, which statements do not identify the information furnished by any person; or (ii) the publication, by direction of the Secretary, of the name of any person violating any order and a statement of the particular provisions of the order violated by the person. i (D) ADMINISTRATION. —No information obtained under this Act may be made available to any agenqr or officer of the Federal Government for any purpose other than the implementation of this Act or any investigatory or enforcement action necessary for the implementation of this Act. (E) PENALTY.— Any person who willfully violates this paragraph, on conviction, shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both, and if the person is an officer or employee of the Board or the Department, shall be removed from office. (n) OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS.— The order shall provide such terms and conditions, not inconsistent with this section, as are necessary to carry out the order, including provisions for the