Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/757

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PUBLIC LAW 103-412 —OCT. 25, 1994 108 STAT. 4247 accounting systems of the Bureau, including ensuring that— (i) the Minerals Management Service establishes policies and procedures that will allow it to properly collect, account for, and disburse to the Bureau all royalties and other revenues generated by production from leases on Indian lands; and (ii) the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau provide Indian landholders with accurate and timely reports on a periodic basis that cover all transactions related to leases of Indian resources. (5) TRUST MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET.— (A) DEVELOPMENT AND SUBMISSION.— The Special Trustee shall develop for each fiscal year, with the advice of program managers of each office within the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management and Minerals Management Service that participates in trust management, including the management of trust funds or natural resources, or which is charged with any responsibility under the comprehensive strategic plan prepared under subsection (a) of this section, a consolidated Trust Management program budget proposal that would enable the Secretary to efficiently and effectively discharge his trust responsibilities and to implement the comprehensive strategic plan, and shall submit such budget proposal to the Secretary, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and to the Congress. (B) DUTY OF CERTAIN PROGRAM MANAGERS.—Each program manager participating in trust management or charged with responsibilities under the comprehensive strategic plans shall transmit his office's budget request to the Special Trustee at the same time as such request is submitted to his superiors (and before submission to the Office of Management and Budget) in the preparation of the budget of the President submitted to the Congress under section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code. (C) CERTIFICATION OF ADEQUACY OF BUDGET REQUEST.— The Special Trustee shall— (i) review each budget request submitted under subparagraph (B); (ii) certify in writing as to the adequacy of such request to discharge, effectively and efficiently, the Secretary's trust responsibilities and to implement the comprehensive strategic plan; and (iii) notify the program manager of the Special Trustee's certification under clause (ii). (D) MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS.— The Special Trustee shall maintain records of certifications made under paragraph (3)(B). (E) LIMITATION ON REPROGRAMMING OR TRANSFER. — No program manager shall submit, and no official of the Department of the Interior may approve or otherwise authorize, a reprogramming or transfer request with respect to any funds appropriated for trust management which is included in the Trust Management Program Budget unless such request has been approved by the Special Trustee.