Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/776

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108 STAT. 4266 PUBLIC LAW 103-413—OCT. 25, 1994 476), shall not apply to any contract entered into in connection with this Contract. "'(B) REQUIREMENTS.— Each Contract entered into by the Contractor with a third party in connection with performing the obligations of the Contractor under this Contract shall— " *(i) be in writing; " Xii) identify the interested parties, the authorities of such parties, and purposes of the Contract; "'(iii) state the work to be performed under the Contract; and "'(iv) state the process for making any claim, the payments to be made, and the terms of the Contract, which shall be fixed. " ' (c) OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR. — "'(1) CONTRACT PERFORMANCE.— Except as provided in subsection (d)(2), the Contractor shall perform the programs, services, functions, and activities as provided in the annual funding agreement under subsection (f)(2) of this Contract. "'(2) AMOUNT OF FUNDS. —The total amount of funds to be paid under this Contract pursuant to section 106(a) shall be determined in an annual funding agreement entered into between the Secretary and the Contractor, which shall be incorporated into this Contract. "' (3) CONTRACTED PROGRAMS. — Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Contractor shall administer the programs, services, functions, and activities identified in this Contract and funded through the annual funding agreement under subsection (f)(2). " '(4) TRUST SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUAL INDIANS.— " '(A) IN GENERAL. — To the extent that the annual funding agreement provides funding for the delivery of trust services to individual Indians that have been provided by the Secretary, the Contractor shall maintain at least the same level of service as the Secretary provided for such individual Indians, subject to the availability of appropriated funds for such services. " ' (B) TRUST SERVICES TO INDIVIDUAL INDIANS.—For the purposes of this paragraph only, the term "trust services for individual Indians" means only those services that pertain to land or financial management connected to individually held allotments. "'(5) FAIR AND UNIFORM SERVICES. — The Contractor shall provide services under this Contract in a fair and uniform manner and shall provide access to an administrative or judicial body empowered to adjudicate or otherwise resolve complaints, claims, and grievances brought by program beneficiaries against the Contractor arising out of the performance of the Contract. " ' (d) OBLIGATION OF THE UNITED STATES.— "'(1) TRUST RESPONSIBILITY. — "'(A) IN GENERAL. —The United States reaffirms the trust responsibility of the United States to the Indian tribe(s) to protect and conserve the trust resources of the Indian tribe(s) and the trust resources of individual Indians. '"(B) CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACT.— Nothing in this Contract may be construed to terminate, waive, modify.