Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/212

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108 STAT. 4780 PUBLIC LAW 103-451—NOV. 2, 1994 (1) is in the National Defense Reserve Fleet on the date of enactment of this Act; (2) has no usefulness to the United States Government; and (3) is scheduled to be scrapped. (b) DELIVERY. —At the request of the City of Warsaw, Kentucky, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to deliver the vessel referred to in subsection (a)— (1) at the place where the vessel is located on the date of the approval of the conveyance; (2) in its condition on that date; and (3) without cost to the United States Government. (c) CONDITIONS. — As a condition of any conveyance of a vessel under subsection (a), the Secretary of Transportation shall require that the City— (1) raise, before the date of the conveyance, at least $100,000 from non-Federal sources to support the intended use of the vessel; (2) Eigree to indenmify the United States for any liability arising fit)m or caused by the vessel after the date of the conveyance of the vessel, including liability— (A) for personal iiyury or damage to property; (B) related to the delivery of the vessel to the City; and (C) related to asbestos; and (3) comply with any other conditions the Secretary considers appropriate. (d) UNITED STATES NOT LIABLE. —Notwithstanding any other Provision of law, the Government of the United States shall not e liable to any person for any liability described in subsection (c)(2). (e) TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY. — The authority of the Secretary of Transportation under this section to convey a vessel to the City of Warsaw, Kentucky, shall expire 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act SEC. 12. AUTHORITY TO CONVEY VESSEL TO ASSISTANCE INTER- NATIONAL, INC. (a) CONVEYANCE.—Notwithstanding any other law, the Secretary of Transportation may convey, without compensation and by not later than September 30, 1996, £dl right, title, and interest of the United States Government in and to the vessels L.S.T. TIOGA COUNTY, R.V. LYNCH, and L.S.T. LORRAQ^E COUNTY, including related spare parts and vessel equipment, to the nonprofit corporation Assistance International, Inc. (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "recipient"), for use in emergencies, vocational training, and economic development programs. (b) CONDITIONS. —As a condition of any vessel conveyance under this section the Secretary of Transportation shall require the recipient to— (1) agree to use the vessel solely for nonprofit activities; (2) agree to not use the vessel for commercial transportation purposes in competition with any United States-flag vessel; (3) agree to make the vessel available to the Government whenever use of the vessel is required by the Government;