Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/289

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PUBLIC LAW 103-465—DEC. 8, 1994 108 STAT. 4857 zero and de minimis miargins, and any margins determined entirely under section 776.

    • (B) EXCEPTION.—I f the estimated weighted average

dumping maimns established for all exporters and producers iadividually iQvestigated are zero or de minimis margins, or are determined entirely \mder section 776, the administering authority may use any reeisonable method to establish the estimated all-others rate for exporters and producers not individually investigated, including averaging the estimated weignted average dumping mai^ns determined for the exporters and producers individually investigated.". (c) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (1) Section 733(e)(2) is amended by striking "subsection (d)(ir and inserting "subsection (d)(2). (2) Section 734(fK2XA) is amended— (A) in clause (i), by striking "section 733(d)(1) and inserting "section 733(d)(2); and (B) in clause (iii), by striking "section 733(d)(2) and inserting "section 733(d)(1)(B). (3) Section 734(f)(2)(B) is amended— (A) by striking "section 733(d)(1) and inserting "section 733(d)(2)^; and (B) by striking "section 733(d)(2) and inserting "section 733(d)(1)(B)". (4) Section 734(h)(3) is amended— (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking "section 733(d)(1)" and inserting section 733(d)(2); and (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking "section 733(d)(2)" and inserting '^section 733(d)(1)(B)". (5) Section 734(i)(l)(A) is amended by 733(d)(1)" and inserting "section 733(d)(2)". (6) Section 735(c)(2)(A) is amended by 703(d)(1)" and inserting "section 733(d)(2)". (7) Section 735(c)(2)(B) is amended by 733(d)(2)" and inserting "section 733(d)(1)(B)*. (8) Section 735(c)(3)(B) is amended by striking "section 733(d)(2)" and inserting "section 733(d)(1)(B)*. (9) Section 736(b)(1) is amended by striking "section 733(d)(1)" each place it appears and inserting "section 733(d)(2)". (10) Section 737(a) is amended by striking "section 733(d)(2)" each place it appears in the heading and in the text and inserting "section 733(d)(1)(B)". SEC. 220. REVIEW OF DETERAnNAIIONS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 751 (19 U.S.C. 1675) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 761. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF DETERMINATIONS. "(a) PERIODIC REVIEW OF AMOUNT OF DUTY.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— At least once during each 12-month period beginning on the anniversary of the date of publication of a countervailing duty order under this title or under section 303 of this Act, an antidumping duty order under this title or a finding under the Antidumping Act, 1921, or a notice of the suspension of an investigation, the administering authority, if a request for such a review has been received and striking "section striking "section striking "section 19 USC 1673b. 19 USC 1673c. 19 USC 1673d. 19 USC 1673e. 19 USC 1673f. Federal Register, publication. 79-194 0—95—10: QL 3 Part 6