Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/320

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publication. 108 STAT. 4888 PUBLIC LAW 103-465—DEC. 8, 1994 authority or the Commission returns the information to the person submitting it, the person may thereafter submit other material concerning the subject matter of the returned information if the submission is made within the time otherwise provided for submitting such material.". SEC. 227. OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMENT BY CONSUMERS AND INDUS- TRIAL USERS. Section 777 (19 U.S.C. 1677f) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: " (h) OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMENT BY CONSUMERS AND INDUS- TRIAL USERS. —The administering authority and the Conunission shsili provide an opportunity for industrial users of the subject merchandise and, £f the merchandise is sold at the retail level, for representative consmner organizations, to submit relevant information to the administering authority concerning dumping or a countervailable subsidy, and to the Commission concerning material injury by reason of dumped or subsidized imports.". SEC. 228. PUBLIC NOTICE AND EXPLANATION OF DETERMINATIONS. Section 777 (19 U.S.C. 1677f), as amended by section 227, is amended by adding at the end the following: "(i) PUBLICATION OF DETERMINATIONS; REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL DETERMINATIONS.— Federal "(1) j^ GENERAL. —Whenever the administering authority ^fif^fj^^ makes a determination under section 702 or 732 whether to initiate an investigation, or the administering authority or the Commission makes a preliminary determination under section 703 or 733, a final determination under section 705 or section 735, a preliminary or final determination in a review under section 751, a determination to suspend an investigation under this title, or a determination under section 753, the administering authority or the Commission, as the case may be, shall ptiblish the facts and conclusions supporting that determination, and shall publish notice of that determination in the Federal Register.


or determination published under paragraph (1) shall include, to the extent applicable— "(A) in the case of a determination of the administering authority— "(i) the names of the exporters or producers of the subject merchandise or, when providing such names is impracticable, the countries exporting the subject merchandise to the United States, "(ii) a description of the subject merchandise that is sufficient to identify the subject merchandise for customs purposes, "(iiiXl) with respect to a determination in an investigation under subtitle A or section 753 or in a review of a countervailing duty order, the amount of the countervailable subsidy established and a full explanation of the methodology used in estabhshing the amount, and "(II) with respect to a determination in an investigation under subtitle B or in a review of an antidumping duty order, the weighted average dumping margins