Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/46

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108 STAT. 4614 PUBLIC LAW 103-439—NOV. 2, 1994 "5) for any person to deposit at a regional facility waste described in Article VII(a)(6); or "6) for any regional facility to accept waste described in Article VII(a)(6).". (23) Article IX of the compact is amended by redesignating sections (c) and (d) as sections (d) and (e), respectively, and by inserting after section (b) the following new section: "c) It is a violation of this compact for any person to treat or store waste at a facility other than a regional facility if such treatment or storage is prohibited by the Commission under Article III(i)(6).". Approved November 2, 1994. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 4814 (S. 2369): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 103-816, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Natural Resources). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 140 (1994): Oct. 3, considered and passed House. Oct. 8, considered and passed Senate.