Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/71

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PUBLIC LAW 103-444—NOV. 2, 1994 108 STAT. 4639 able, without fiscal year limitation, to the Secretary for distribution to the Crow Tribe in accordance with subsection (d). (b) CONTRIBUTIONS TO CROW TRIBAL TRUST FUND. — (1) IN GENERAL. —Subject to paragraph (2) and the requirements of section 10— (A) on or before November 30, 1994, the Secretary of the Treasury shall deposit into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund an amount equal to the amounts of royalties received and retained by the United States during fiscal year 1994 from the East Decker, West Decker, and Spring Creek coal mines; and (B) commencing with fiscal year 1995 and for such period thereafter as may be necessary, the Secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury shall make necessary and proper arrangements for the monthly payment, transfer, or deposit (or any combination thereof) into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund of the royalties received and retained by the United States for the immediately preceding month from the East Decker, West Decker, and Spring Creek coal mines in the State of Montana for the life of such mines, including any extensions of the existing leases for such mines and any expansions of such mines to nearby and adjacent federally owned coal deposits, as specified in the Settlement Agreement. (2) AMOUNT OF ROYALTIES. —The total amount of royalties described in paragraph (1) that are paid, transferred, or deposited into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund shall not exceed, in the aggregate, $85,000,000, excluding— (A) any interest earned on moneys in the Crow Tribal Trust Fund; and (B) the funds transferred to the Suspension Accounts pursuant to section 10. (3) PAYMENTS OF ROYALTIES RECEIVED AND RETAINED BY THE UNITED STATES.— Subject to paragraph (2) and the requirements of section 10, the royalties received and retained by the United States from the East Decker, West Decker, and Spring Creek coal mines shall be paid, transferred or deposited into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund not later than 30 days after the date on which the royalties are due and paid. (4) ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS. —The Federal Government shall make payments, in addition to the payments referred to in paragraph (3), from the royalties received and retained by the United States from other coal mines within the State of Montana into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund in an amount equal to any lost interest income (as determined by the Secretary), if any portion of the sums described in paragraph (3) are not paid, transferred or deposited into the Crow Tribal Trust Fund within the 30-day period prescribed in paragraph (3). (c) INVESTMENT.— At the request of the Secretary, the Secretary of the Treasury shall invest all sums deposited into, accruing to, and remaining in, the Crow Tribal Trust Fund in accordance with the Act of February 12, 1929 (45 Stat. 1164, chapter 178; 25 U.S.C. 161a). (d) DISTRIBUTION OF INTEREST.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Only the interest received on funds in the Crow Tribal Trust Fund shall be available for distribution by the Secretary to the Crow Tribe for use for education.