Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/801

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5369 Annex II (con.) -70- Section (A). (con.) 123. (con.): Goocb of Mexico, under the tcras of generat note 12 to the tariff cchcdule (con.): Buttenailk, curdled ailk and creaa, yogurt, kaphir and other fenaented or acidified laillc and creea, Hhether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening •atter or flayored or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa: Provided for in suU(e«lir« 0403.10.00: In dry fona: 9906.04.32 Sipject to the quentitativc liaits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Other: 9906.04.33 Valued not ovw $1.27Ag 9906.04.34 Other 9906.04.35 Other Provided for in siMieading 0403.90.10 or 0403.90.15: 9906.04.36 Sipject to the quantitative liaits specified in U.S. r»te 4 to this s>±chapter Other: 9906.04.37 Valued not over 65.7«/liter 9906.04.38 Other Provided for in sJbheading 0403.90.40: 9906.04.39 Sipject to the quantitative liaits specified in U.S. note 6 to this sU)chapter Other: 9906.04.40 Valued not over t1.22/lcg 990 6.0 4.4 1 Other Provided for in siMieading 0403.90.50: 9906.04.42 Sipject to the quantitative liaits apacifiad in U.S. note 6 to this stpchapter Other: 9906.04.43 Valued not over $1.27/kg 9906.04.44 Other [See Annex III(B) to this Proclamation] (NX) CSee Amex III(B) to this Proclamation] (NX) [See Amex III(B) to this ProclMation] (NX) CSee Amex IIKB) to this Proclantion] (NX) [See Amex IIKB) to this ProclaaatiorO (NX) [See Amex III(B) to this Proclaaatiom (NX) (See Amex IIKB) to this Proclamation] (MX) (Sec Amex III(B) to this Proclnatiofd (MX) 79-194 O—95 —26: QL 3 Part 6