Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/885

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Section (B). Effective vlth respect to goods of Mexico. under terms of general note 12 to the tariff schedule, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1. 1994. or If the NAFTA does not enter Into force on January 1. 1994. on or after such later date as the NAFTA enters Into force, and on January 1 of each of the successive years, for each of the enumerated subheadings In the following table. the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn In the HTS Is modified ri> by Inserting In such subcolumn for each subheading the rate of duty specified for aueh subheading In the 1994 column followed by the symbol "MX" In parentheses, and (11^ for each of the subsequent dated columns the rates of duty that are followed by the symbol "HX" In parentheses are deleted and the rates of duty for such dated column are inserted in such subheadings in lieu thereof. S>Ki««ding OSM.10.10 OIOt.20.30 (I30S.30.20 03 0S.3 0.U) 040 6.20.10 OMi.20.5; 0U)6. 30.SS 0I M.U1.20 OiOi.iO.U) OUM. W.OS 0406.90.20 0U)6.90.2! 0(0 6.90.60 0603.10.60 07D1.90.50 ma.oo. ui 07O3.9O.W 0704.10.60 0706.10.20 0706.90.40 0707.00.40 07C e.90.40 0709.40.20 07D 9.S 1.00 0709.70.00 0710.10.ra 0710.22.37 0710.22.40 0710.29.40 0710.40.00 0710.a0.20 071 0.80.SS 07 10.90.90 3.7«/ko 3.7«/k« 3.2 X 13.S> 13.5% S. 4X 13.5X 6.4X 0.6«/k9 II.2X 7.2t/k9 ' 16. 6X 14. 4X 3. 3«/k, }.3«/ks 2.4> 6.4«/kg < 14. n 10.5% 2.4</kg 2.4«/k« o.n lO.5% 10.5% 4.2t io.n 3. 2X 0.3«/k> 1.3 < /k9 7.211 a.n 0.4t/kg SS S.2« /ko 3 </kg t.n 5.6«/kg < 12.9« 7.2 X 0.6e/kg 3.6 11 7.5« 0.2c/kg .. ««/kg 1.5»/kg 7. SX 4.««/ks. ..J«/kg. 10. 5X 3.5X 4.4t/ks Free 6.2X 4«/kg • 9.2X 3.2«/kg < 7. 4X 3.Si/kg F ret 3. 7X 2.4«/kg < 0.4</kg 0.4c/kg F r«« Fro 1. 2X O.S</kg • 1. 8X Fr e« 0.7«/k9 < 1.7 X Fr e« o o o p 01 CO CO 00 o 00