Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/223

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PUBLIC LAW 104-19-^JULY 27, 1995 109 STAT. 207 Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Acts, $4,000,000 are rescinded. CHAPTER V DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT OF LANDS AND RESOURCES (RESCISSION) Of the funds available under this heading in Public Law 103- 332, $70,000 are rescinded, to be derived from amounts available for developing and finalizing the Roswell Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement and the Carlsbad Resource Management Plan Amendment/Environmental Impact Statement: Provided, That none of the funds made available in such Act or any other appropriations Act may be used for finalizing or implementing either such plan. CONSTRUCTION AND ACCESS (RESCISSION) Of the funds available under this heading in Public Law 103- 332, Public Law 103-138, and Public Law 102-381, $900,000 are rescinded. PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (RESCISSION) Of the funds available under this heading in Public Law 103- 332, $2,500,000 are rescinded. LAND ACQUISITION (RESCISSION) Of the funds available under this heading in Public Law 102- 381, Public Law 101-121, and Public Law 100-446, $1,497,000 are rescinded. UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CONSTRUCTION (RESCISSION) Of the funds available under this heading or the heading Construction and Anadromous Fish in Public Law 103-332, Public Law 103-211, Public Law 103-138, Public Law 103-75, Public Law 102-381, Public Law 102-154, Public Law 102-368, Public Law 101-512, Public Law 101-121, Public Law 100-446, and Public Law 100-202, $12,415,000 are rescinded.