Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/642

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109 STAT. 626 PUBLIC LAW 104-59—NOV. 28, 1995 a motor vehicle safety warning system in furtherance of safety in all types of motor vehicles. (2) EQUIPMENT. — Equipment developed under the study shall be directed toward, but not limited to, advance warning to operators of all types of motor vehicles of— (A) temporary obstructions in a highway; (B) poor visibility and highway surface conditions caused by adverse weather; and (C) movement of emergency vehicles. (3) SAFETY APPLICATIONS. —In conducting the study, the Secretary shall determine whether the technology described in this subsection has other appropriate safety applications. 23 USC 408 note. (d) EFFECTIVENESS OF DRUNK DRIVING LAWS. —The Secretary shall conduct a study to evsduate the effectiveness on reducing drunk driving and appropriateness of laws enacted in the States which allow a health care provider who treats an individual involved in a vehicular accident to report the blood alcohol level, if known, of such individual to the local law enforcement agency which has jurisdiction over the accident site if the blood alcohol concentration level exceeds the maximum level permitted under State law. SEC. 359. MISCELLANEOUS STUDIES. 23 USC 309 note. (a) PAN AMERICAN HIGHWAY.— (1) STUDY.— The Secretary shall conduct a study on the adequacy of and the need for improvements to the Pan American Highway. (2) ELEMENTS. —The study shall include, at a minimum, the following elements: (A) Findings on the benefits of constructing a highway at Darien Gap, Panama and Colombia. (B) Recommendations for a self-financing arrangement for completion and maintenance of the Pan /onerican Highway. (C) Recommendations for establishing a Pan American highway authority to monitor financing, construction, maintenance, and operations of the Pan American Highway. (D) Findings on the benefits to trade and prosperity of a more efficient Pan American Highway. (E) Findings on the benefits to United States industry resulting from the use of United States technology and equipment in construction of improvements to the Pan American Highway. (F) Findings on environmental considerations, including environmental considerations relating to Darien Gap. (3) REPORT. —Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report on the results of the study. 23 USC 109 note. (b) HIGHWAY SiGNS FOR NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM.— (1) STUDY.— The Secretary shall conduct a study to determine the cost, need, and efficacy of establishing a highway sign for identifying routes on the National Highway System. In conducting the study, the Secretary shall make a determination concerning whether to identify National Highway System route numbers. (2) REPORT,—Not later than March 1, 1997, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report on the results of the study.