Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/81

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PUBLIC LAW 104-4—MAR. 22, 1995 109 STAT. 65 (B) the extent to which there are available Federal resources to carry out the intergovernmental mandate; (3) estimates by the agency, if and to the extent that the agency determines that accurate estimates are reasonably feasible, of— (A) the future compliance costs of the Federal mandate; and (B) any disproportionate budgetary effects of the Federal mandate upon any particular regions of the nation or particular State, local, or tribal governments, urban or rural or other types of communities, or particular segments of the private sector; (4) estimates by the agency of the effect on the national economy, such as the effect on productivity, economic growth, full employment, creation of productive jobs, and international competitiveness of United States goods and services, if and to the extent that the agency in its sole discretion determines that accurate estimates are reasonably feasible and that such effect is relevant and material; and (5)(A) a description of the extent of the agency's prior consultation with elected representatives (under section 204) of the affected State, local, and tribal governments; (B) a summary of the comments and concerns that were presented by State, local, or tribal governments either orally or in writing to the agency; and (C) a summary of the agency^s evaluation of those comments and concerns. (b) PROMULGATION.—In promulgating a general notice of proposed rulemaking or a final rule for which a statement under subsection (a) is required, the agency shall include in the promulgation a summary of the information contained in the statement. (c) PREPARATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER STATEMENT.— Any agency may prepare any statement required under subsection (a) in conjunction with or as a part of any other statement or analysis, provided that the statement or analysis satisfies the provisions of subsection (a). SEC. 203. SMALL GOVERNMENT AGENCY PLAN. 2 USC 1533. (a) EFFECTS ON SMALL GOVERNMENTS.— Before establishing any regulatory requirements that might significantly or uniquely affect small governments, agencies shall have developed a plan under which the agency shall— (1) provide notice of the requirements to potentially affected small governments, if any; (2) enable officials of affected small governments to provide meaningful and timely input in the development of regulatory proposals containing significant Federal intergovernmental mandates; and (3) inform, educate, and advise small governments on compliance with the requirements. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF AppROPRiATiONS.There are authorized to be appropriated to each agency to carry out the provisions of this section and for no other purpose, such sums as are necessary. SEC. 204. STATE, LOCAL, AND TRffiAL GOVERNMENT INPUT. 2 USC 1534. (a) IN GENERAL. —Each agency shall, to the extent permitted in law, develop an effective process to permit elected officers of State, local, and tribal governments (or their designated employees