Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1001

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1973 Annex IX (con.) - 73- 234. (con.): [Cloth...:} [eon.] Othor •rill, mttini mi fonclna. Moldid ot tko IntorMctlofu 73U.31 Ptatod or eoatad Mlth Xinet 73UJ1.10 Uiro fonefm oaMOd or platod Mftk zinc, itfMliMr or net oevorod trith plaotlea BOtorUI 0.2«/l« froo (U.E,IL,J) 1.1*/lw O.loAaOK) 7SU.St.M Otkor «.« Froo (A.C.IL.J, «n 73U.39.00 Othw 4.iK Froo (A,E,IL,J. VX IK) 1.1X (CA> Othor cloth, frUt, nott1(« vid taiolnii 7314.(1.00 Platod or eoMod irith line 0. 2o/ k| Froo (CA,E,IL,J) 1.10/ko <m) 73U.42.00 Coot od with p loatl eo Froo (C»,E,IL,J> 1.1*/ko O. lo/ko OH) 731 4,49 Othw: 73 14.49.30 Met cut to ah^o 4.a Froo M,E. IM. 4n MK) 1.1X (M> 7314.49.40 Out to ah^a 3.« Froa (A,I,E,IL, 3» J,IR> 9.n (M) 73U.M.00 Eiv an dr iaat at S Free (A,CA,E,IL, 4SX* J,») 235. SublMAding 7414.10 Is r*d«stgnat«d aa •ubheading 7414.20, th* articl* daacrlpclon 'Endless bands, for aachinary:* Is dalatad and 'Cloth:* Is insertad In llau tharaof, and suUiaadlngs 7414.10.30. 7414.10.60, and 7414.10.90 ara radaal gnatad a s 7414. 20.30, 7414.20.60, an d 7414.20.9 0, resp activaly. 236. Subheadlnga 7418.10 thzou^ 741S.10.50 are superseded by the following: [Tabla ] Tabla, kltdion or othor houaokold artletaa •Id parta tharaof; pat atourora aid aeaHrini ar pellahlna pada. flovaa and the tikat 741 0. 11 Pet acaurara aid acaurfno ar potlihini pads, olevaa and the llkai 741S.11.20 Ofeappar-zlne baao alloya (braaa) 3.4S Free (A.E.Il.J. tM NO 0.7X (C*) 7418.11.40 Other 4.11 Free U,E,a,J, 4fflC M() 0.9X (M) 741 S. 19 Otheri 74t t. 19.10 Coatad or plated Hith praeloua •aula Free (A,I.Il,J, SOX Ml) o.n (»>