Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/107

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1079 An nex (con.) -3 0- Section A. (continu ed) (17)(b). Conforming changes: (v) The superior text preceding subheading 9906.04.60 which reads "Provided for In subheading 0404.10. 40:" Is modif ied by del eting "04 04.1 0.40 " and inserting "0 404.10.90" I n lieu thereof; ( v l) Subheading 990 6.04.67 and th e superior text immediately preceding subheading 99 06.04.67, and subheadin gs 9906.0 4.68 and 9906.04.69 and the superior text Immediately preceding subheading 9906.04.68, are all deleted; and (vii) The superior text preceding subheading 9906.04.70 which reads "Provided for In subheading 04 04.90.45 or 040 4.90.65: ", the superior text immediately preceding subheading 9 906.04.70, s ubheading 990 6.04. 70 and th e superior text immediately following su ch su bheading, subheadings 9906.04. 71 and 9906. 04.7 2, the superior text im mediately preceding sub heading 9906.0 4.73, and sub headi ngs 9906.04.73 and 9906.04.74, are all deleted and the following provisions are inserted i n n umeri cal sequen ce i n l ieu the reof: [Goods o f Mexi co,...: ] [Uhey, wheth er o r not...:] "Provided for in subheading 0404.90.SO: 9906.04. 70 Subject to the quan titati ve limits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Free ( MX) Other: 9 906.04.71 Valued not over t1.2S/kg 89.2t/kg (MX) 99 06. 04. 72 Other 69.6X (MX) Provided for in suhheadirig 0404.90.70: 99 06.0 4.73 Con tainin g over 5. 5 («rce nt by Height of butterfat end not pacltaged for retail cale 12.8X (MX) 9906.04.74 Other Free(MX)" (18)(a). Subheadings 0405.00.70, 0405.00.75 and 0405.00.80 are superseded and the following provisions inserted in numerical sequence: [Butter and other fats...:] [Butter:] "0405.00.05 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule and enteriKJ pursuant to its provisions 12.3t/lcg Free (E,IL,J,MX) 30.9t/kg 3.6«/ kg «») 0 405. 00. 20 Described in additional U.S. note 6 to thi s chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions 12.3«/ kg Free (E,IL,J) 30. 9t/kg 3.6«/kg ( (») 040 5.0 0.40 Other [See section See 9906.04.75- $1.813/kg D to this 9906.04.77 (MX) Annex]