Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1075

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Annex III (con.) -35- Saction C. Continuation of previoujlv procl«la«d «ta»ed reductions of the rates of duty In the Ratea of Duty 1-Special subcoluan on certain gooda of Mexico undar terms of general note 12 to the HTS. Effective with respect to goods of Mexico, under the tenu of general note 12 to the HTS, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consuaption, the Kates of Duty 1-Special subcoluan is aodlfled on or after the dates as specified In this section. (1). On or after January 1 of each of the years listed below, for each of the following subheadings, the Rates of Duty l-Spedal subeoluan la aodlfled (1) by deleting the rate of duty preceding the aynbol 'MX' In parentheses and Inserting the rate of duty specified for such subheading In the first dated coluan In the table below In lieu thereof, and (11) for each of the aubsequent dated coluans the rates of duty that are followed by the sy^ol 'MX" In parentheaea are deleted and the following rates of duty are Inserted in such subheadings in lieu thereof on the date specified. wn MkMdIiw 2nS.J9.t1 2«SJ.99.91 38H.W.10 38M. M. M JSM.VO.a I8M.90.90 19M 1.««Al* i.* X n 2.MAS* ».sx W97 2.n 0.7«/kt * S.2X 0.7t/lct4^ 2.n u 2.2*At * s.u 3X IMS rrw Fne Free rne 1.«*/kf« tM 2.n 1999 Free Free Free Free 1. 4«As * S. tt 2X 2000 Free Free Free Free 1.1«Ai* 4X 1.5% 2001 Free Free Free Free o.nAi* 2. 7X » 2002 Free Free Free Free ».Uflm* i.n O.5% 2003 Fr «« Fr«a Free Free Fr«* Free o o o OS 00 CO en