Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/189

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PROCLAM^^TION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1161 Annex (con.) -112- Sect lon A. (conti nued) (39)(b). (con.): (v) (con.): [Goods of Mexico,...:] [Malt extract; food...:] Provided for i n su bheading 190 1.90.54: 9906.19.31 S ubject to the qu antit ative linits specified in U.S. note 18 to thi s subchapter Free (M X) Other: 9906.19.32 Valued not over 22«Ag 21.2t/lcg (MX) 9906.19.33 Other 96.2X (MX) Provided for in subheading 1901.90.58: 9906.19. 34 Subject to the quantitative limits described inU.S. note 2 0 to this subchapter Free (MX) Other: 9906.19.3 5 Valued not over Z2«/kg 21.2c/kg (MX) 990 6.19.36 Other 96.2X (MX)" (40). Additional U.S. note A to chapter 20 is deleted and the following additional U.S. note U inserted in lieu thereof: "4. The aggregate quantity of olives entered under subheadings 0711.20.18 and 2005.70.06 in any calendar year shall not exceed 4,400 netric tons.** (Al). The additional U.S. notes to chapter 20 are further modified by inserting the following additional U.S. notes in numerical sequence: ••5. The aggregate quantity of peanut butter and paste entered under subheading 2008.11.05 in any calendar year shall not exceed the quantities specil-ied in this note (inports frcm Mexico shall not be permitted or included under the aforementioned quantitative limitation and no such articles shall be classifiable therein). Quantity (metric tons) Canada 14,500 Argentina 3,650 Countries or territoriei: identified in additional U.S. note 6 to this chapter coirtiined (aggregate) 750 Other countries or areas 250