Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/290

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109 STAT. 1262 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Annex (con.) -2 13- Section A. (continued)' (197). The notes to chapter 52 are modified by: inserting the following additional U.S. notes in numerical sequence; subdivision (a) of additional U.S. notes 5 and 9 and the parenthetical phrase "(beginning with September 20, 1995)" wherever it appears in such notes (as added herein) are deleted and the remaining subdivision redesignated accordingly on September 20, 1995; subdivision (a) of additional U.S. note 6, 7 and 8 and the parenthetical phrase "(beginning with August 1, 1995)" wherever it appears in such notes (as added herein) are deleted and the remaining subdivision redesignated accordingly on August 1, 1995; and subdivision (a) of additional U.S. note 10 and the parenthetical phrase "(beginning with September 11)" wherever it appears in such note (as added herein) are deleted and the remaining subdivisions redesignated accordingly on September 11-, 1995: •5. (a) Except as provided in this subdivision, the aggresate quantity of cotton, not carded or ctsnbed, the product of any country or area including the United States, having a staple length under 28.575 m (1-1/8 inches) (except harsh or rough cotton, having a staple length under 19.05 wm (3/4 inch}} entered under stiiheading 5201.00.14 during the period frcai January 1 to Septoiter 19, 1995, inclusive, shall not exceed the remaining quantity available, if any, from the quota amount specified belou in this subdivision applicable to such goods during the quota period that began on Septester 20, 1994; and at the close of September 19, 1995, such quota period shall be considered terminated. Ar gent ina Brazil Britis h E ast Africa British West Africa (except Nigeria and Ghana} British Uest Indies (exce pt Bar bados, Berm uda, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago} China Colcafcia Ecuado r Egypt and Sudan (aggregate} Haiti Hondu ras India and Pakistan (aggregate} In donesia t Neth erla nds New Guin ea ( aggregat e} Ira q Niger ia Parag uay Per u Ar men ia, Azer baija n, Be laru s, Es tonia, Georgia, Kazalchstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia L ithua nia, M old ova, R ussia, Tajikis tan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan (agg rega te) Other, including the United States Quantity ( kg) 2,360 280,64 8 1,016 7,259 9,671 621,78 0 56 4,233 355, 532 107 341 908,764 32, 381 88 2,4 38 395 112, 469 2 15,5 12 Non e The aggregate quantity of cotton, not carded or coated, the product of any comtry or area including the United States, having a staple length under 28.575 nn (1-1/8 inches} (except harsh or rough cotton, having a staple length under 19.05 nn (3/4 inch)), entered under stliheading 5201.00.14 during the 12-month period beginning September 20 in any year (beginning with September 20, 1995) shall not exceed 8,495.05 metric tons (inports frcn Hexico shall not be permitted or included in the aforementioned quantitative limitation and no such articles shall be classifiable therein).