Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/335

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1307 A nn ex (con.) - 258- Sec tion A. (c ontinued) (292)(a). Subhea dings 70 19.10.10, 7019.10.20, 701 9.10.60, 7 019. 20.1 0, 7019.20.20 and 7019.20.50 are superseded and the following provisions Inserted in nuaerlcal sequence: [Glass fibe rs (in cluding gl ass uo ol) an d...:] [Slivtrs, rovings, ya m an d ch apped stra nds:] nrams:] •Not col ored: 701 9.10. 0S Fiberglass rubber reinforcing yam, aade from ele ctrical ly nflnconductive continuous fibergl ass fi laaen ts 9 Bicrons in diameter to 11 Bicrons in dianeter and iapregnated w ith resorcinol fomaldehyde latex treataant for edi esion to p oly aeri c coa pounds Free SOX Other [Sec section Free (CA.IL) 0 to this S.4X (NX) An nex] Colo red: Fiberglass rUiber rein forcing yam, a ad e fr oa el ectri cally nonco nduc tiv« c ont inu ous fibe rglass fil aian ts 9 aicrons in disaster to 11 aicrons in diaaeter an d iapregnated H ith resorc inol for asl dehy de latex trcetaent for adhe sion to poly aeri c coapo uids Free Other [See section Free (CA.IL) 60X" 0 to this 6.9X (NX) Anne x] [Chopped stra nds] Rovings] "Other: Fibe rgless ri Af aer reinfo rcing co rd, a ade fro a elec tric elly n onco nduc tive con tinuo us fiberglass filsaerits 9 aicrons in diaaeter to 11 aicrons in disaster and ia^rttjnstad with resorcinol foraalclehyde latex treataant for adhesion to polya eric cct^ otnis Free SOX Other 4. 2X Free (C A,E*, IL, SOX" J*) 3.6X (NX)