Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/380

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109 STAT. 1352 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Anne x ( con.) -303- Sect lon A. ( cont inue d) (361). (con.): Itatisn-typt cheeses, aade from cou's aitk, in original loaves (Romano aade froai cow's •ill(, Rcggiano, Paniesan, Provolone, Provoletti and Sbrlnz), and Italian-type cheeses, nade froai cou's aillc, not in original loaves dtcaano Bade froai cow's aillc, Reggiano, Panaesan, Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya) and cheese and substitutes for cheese containing, or processed from, such Italian-type cheeses, whether or not in original loaves, provided for in subheadings M06.10.58, 0406.20.53, 0406.20.79, 0406.30.79, 0406.90.32, 0406.90.37, 0406.90.42 or 0406.90.68 (con.): If entered during the effective period of safeguards based i^ion value (con.): 990 4. 06. 02 Valued $2.95/kg or more but less than $3.15 /kg 8.6 «/kg 990 4.0 6.0 3 Valued $3.15/kg or more but less than $3.3S /kg 2. 6«/k g 99 04. 06. 04 Valued $3.35/kg or Bore No addit ional du ty 99 04. 06. 05 If entered during the effective period of safeguards based upon quantity announced by the Secretary of Agriculture... [See section D to this Annex) Swiss or Einentaler cheese with eye foraation provided for in under stiaheading 04 06.90.48: If entered during the effective period of safeguards based upon value: 990 4.0 6.0 6 Val ued less than 9a t/kg 94«/ ks 99 04. 06.07 Valued 90«Ag or more but less than Sl.lO/kg 8 0*/kg 99 04. 06. 08 Valued S1.10/kg or more but less than S1.30/kg 66 «/kg 990 4. 06. 09 Valued S1.30/kg or more but less than »1.50/kg 55.3 «/kg 990 4.0 6. 10 Valued t1.50/kg or more but less than $1.70 /kg 45.3t /kg 9904.06. 11 Valued t1.70/kg or more but less than »1.90/kg 35.3e /kg 99 04. 06.12 Valued $1.90/kg or more but less than »2.10/kg 2 7.2« /kg 990 4.0 6.1 3 Valued S2.10/kg or more but less than $2.30/kg 21.2« /kg 9904.06.14 Valued S2.30/kg or more but less than $2.50/kg 15. 2t/kg 990 4.0 6.15 Valued S2.S0/kg or more but less than t2.70/kg 9.2«/kg_