Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/763

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1735 Annex (con.) -686- Section G. (continued) (4) On or after January 1 of the following years, for subheading 9818.00.05 the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn Is modified (1) by deleting the rate of duty preceding the symbol *MX* In parentheses and Inserting the rate of duty specified for such subheading In the first dated column In the table below in lieu thereof, and (11) for each of the subsequent dated columns the rates of duty that are followed by the symbol "MX" in parentheses are deleted and the following rates of duty a re i nserted in such s ubheadings i n lieu thereof on the date specified. 182ft 1997 1998 The lower of 20 The lower of 10 Free percent of the percent of the cost of such cost of such parts or the parts or the r ate applicable rate applicable in the absence in the absenc e of this of this subheading on s ubheading on the cost of the cost of such part s suc h parts (5) On or after January 1 of the following years, for subheading 9818.00.07 the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn is modified (1) by deleting the rate of duty preceding the symbol "MX" in parentheses and inserting the rate of duty specified for such subheading in the first dated coltimn in the table below in lieu thereof, and (11) for each of the subsequent dated columns the rates of duty that are followed by the symbol "MX" in parentheses are deleted and the following rates of duty are Inserted in such subheadings in lieu thereof on the date specified. ISM 1997 1998 20 pe rcent of 10 perc ent of Free the cost of such the cost of such goods or goods or repair s repairs