Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/853

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PROCLAMATION 6821—SEPT. 12, 1995 109 STAT. 1825 Annex II (continue)) -2- asfiClBOjI. (eon.) (10) Additional U.S. note 9 to chapter S2-ia w dlfled by deleting the aentence •la^orta frea countrlaa or aceaa who are Mt Metbera of the World Trade Organisation shall net be peraltted or Insludad In the quantitative llaltationa aoc forth In thla not*.' and Inserting In lieu thereof *Other than »m provided for in the country allocatlena above, la^irta fioa countrlaa or areaa who are not Aeabera of the World Trade Organlxatlna shall not be permitted or Included In the quantitative llBltationa aet forth in thl> note.'. (11) The Rates of Duty 1 Special subcoluBm for lubheading 5402.Al.90 la aodlflad by deleting the rata of duty '8%' preceding thm ayabol "MX" In paren thesea and inserting i n l ie u thereof "7.2%'. (12) The Buperior text preceding subheading 981'.00.92 id>leh reads "Artldaa specially dasigned or adapted for the uae or benefit of the blind or other phyaieally or Mentally handlc^pod persons:* is deleted and the text 'Articles specially daaignad or adapted for the uae or benaflt of the blind or other phyaieally or aontally handicapped peraona; parts and acceasories (except parte and aeceaa oriaa o f braeaa and artificial ll ab pro athe tlca) that are apee ially dealgned or adapted for lue In the foregoing artLcleB;' la Inaerted in lieu thereof. (13) Subchapter VI to chapter 99 la aodlflad by deleting U.S. note 17. Section C. Bffaetiva en the effective data of this prodaaation: Additional U.S. note 3 to chapter 2 la aodifled by: (1) Ina erting i n sequence "Argenti na 20,000 *' and 'Uruguay 20,000*' after 'Japan 200' in the Itat of countries and the quantities set opposite such countries in the note. (2) inserting at tite end of the note a nev paragraph as follows: ' * The quantity for Argentina or Uruguay shall be peraitted entry pursuant to the provisions of this note on and after the date of publication by the Secretary of Agriculture of a notice in the Fefieral Reg^atar that Argentina or Uruguay has baan granted approval by the Departaent of Agriculture to ahlp fresh, chilled or froren beef to the United Statea. Thla paragraph and the '*' ayabol following the quantity for- Argentina and Uruguay shall be deleted from this note on the January 1 following the later date of the dace of publication of the notice for Argentina or Uruguay.'.. (3) deleting the paragraph inserted by subparagraph (2) above on the January 1 following the later date of the date of publication of the notice for Argentina or Urug uay. Section D. Effective at 12:01 a.a. on January 1, 1996: (1) Subchapter V to chapter 99 of the HTS 1* aodifled by deleting U.S. notea 2,3,4andS. .r •• (2) Pr oclaaatl on 6343 of Se pceaber 28, 1 991, la amended by delet ing from Annex I there of paragraph (d)(2) relating to subheading 9905.84.2 2.