Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/898

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109 STAT. 1870 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNBX I (con.) ...:•' .


,.,, -3- 8. fCR« 1 through 12, Inclusive, for ch«pter 28 ara d«l«ted and the following new rCRs are Inserted in lieu thereof (continued): 13. (A) A dwno* to Mi*Mdln« 2S15.30 free any otiMr MMaadlns, txctpt fnai MMmdina 2815.11 through 281S.20; or (•) A thmv to wMoadli* 2S1S.30 fna siMoadlngs 281S.11 through 281S.20, Mhothor or not thoro !• olM a chongo fraa any other auWiaading, provided tharo la a regional valua contant of not laoa than: (1) 60 paroant Mhara th« tranaactian valua eathod la uaad, or (2) SO pareant Mharo tho nat coat eathod la uaad. 14. A di««a to autheadfiwa 2816.10 thr«««h 2818.30 free any other aubheading. Including another aiMoeding ulthin that grotp. 15. <A) A change to aUAeading 2819.10 free any other heading; or <•) A change to auUieading 2819.10 free aiMeading 2819.90, Mhethor or net there t* alao a change frea eny ether heeding, provided there (a a regionel velue content of not leea then: (1) 60 percent where the treneaetion value aathod ie uaad, or (2) SO percent i*ere the net eeet aathod ia uMd. 16. A change to aubheading 2819.90 fraa eny other eubheading. 17. (A) A char«e to eiMeeding 2820.10 frca any other heeding: or (•) A change to otMiaeding 2820.10 from aUbheading 2820.90, ahether or not there ia alao a change from any other heeding, provided there la a regional valua contant of not laaa than: (1) 60 percent Mhere the treneaetion valua aathod ie uaad, or (2) 50 percent Mhere the net coot aathod Ie used. 18. A change to ai#»eading 2820.90 from eny other aUbheading. 19. (A) A change to eiMeedinga 2821.10 through 2821.20 from eny other heading; or (DA ehar«a to tubheadings 2821.10 through 2821.20 from eny other auMieeding ulthin that groi^, Mhethor or not there ia alao a change frca any other heeding, provided there ia e regionel velue content of not leea that: <1) 60 percent Nhere the tranaaetion value aathod ia ueed, or (2) SO percent Mhere the net coat aathod ie uMd. 20. A change to heedinga 2822 through 2823 from eny other heading, including another heading ulthin that grot^. 21. (A) A change to nMeedinga 2824.10 through 2824.90 from eny other heeding; or (i) A chai«e to eiMeedlnga 2824.10 through 2824.90 from eny other aubheeding ulthin that group, whether or not there ia elao a change from eny other heeding, provided there Ie a regionel value contait of not leaa than: (1) 60 percent i4iere the treneaetion value aethod ia uaad, or (2) 50 percent Mhere the net eaet aethod ia uaad.