Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/905

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1877 ANNSX I (con.) -3.0- 9. TCK 1 for ehaptsr 29 is d«lated and th« following now TOU «r* insortod in liou tlMroef (contimMd): «r. (A} « alMna* t» mMtuHtm 2022.11 thnuttt Z9Z2.M Irm mv tutmr hMdIn*, weip* fro* lnXtWii MOS tkrMi^ 921; or »> A ttrnm t» mMmtHtm 2922.11 tkrwih 29Z2.SS fna rnif uttmr mttmiMtm irftlifn tlMt ir«H» or linitim MB through 2ftl, lAttlwr w MC tiMM is alM a rtiwm fna mtf other kMMm, pr«vi*d a ragltnal «ali» aantant af nat taaa thani (1) 40 parc«t lAara the tranaaetlMi wlua wtlMd la uMd, ar (2) SO iicaiit Mhara Vk* ntt coat aatlMd fa uaad. 48. A chanaa to auMiaaJIma 2(83.10 thrau^ 2923.90 ttm any atiiar aUAaadfni. Inetudint anatlMr atMaading iilthfn that •raup. 49. A dMfiga ta auUiaadlnt 2924.10 froi ary atliar iiWiaiding. 50. (A) A changa to aUAaading 2924.21 fran «iy ethar atMaaiilna, awopt frai auUiaadfiw 2917.20; or (•) A dianaa ta atMiaadtnt 2924.21 fran auWiaadlni 2917.20, lAatliar tt nst thara fa alao a changa froi any atliar MMaading, pravldri thara la a rational valua eantant «f net laaa tiiam (1) <0 paretnt lAara tiM tronaactlan valua aatkad la uaad, ar (2) 50 parcant Hhara tba nat coat aathod la laad. 51. (A) A ckanga to atMaadlnga 2924.22 thraugh 2924.29 fraa any atMaadtiw autsfda that grat», a»apt froo auMiaading 2917.20; or (•) A changa ta aiMaadfnga 2924.22 thrauih 2924.29 fron any athar aiAheading Hfthfn that groi^ ar aUbheading 291<7.20, uhathar w not thara fa alao a changa from any aUfaheading outafda that group, pnwfdad thcra la a roglonat valua eantant af net taaa tiian: <1) 60 paroont Hhara tlw transection valua aathod la uaad, ar <2} JO pareont lAara the nat coat aathod la uaad. 52. A changa to aiMaadlnga 2929.11 through 2920.00 fr«a any ethar auheading, including anethar iiddioading itlthln that groi^i. 53. M) A change ta otheadlnga 2929.10 through 2929.90 fraa «w other auMieeding, Including another iithiading ulthln that eraup, OMcopt from heading 2921; or (•) A change to suhheadlnga 2929.10 threu^ 2929.90 frca heading 2921, leather ar net thara la alee a cftsnge from a»^ other aiMeading, including another otMaading Mithin thet grei^, provided there la a regional value ccntant of not leee thens (1) 60 percent idiere tlM tronaaetfon value aethod fe uaad, ar <2) SO pareent Mhere the net cost aethod la ueed. 54. A change to euthoedlnge 2930.10 through 2930.90 from eny other unheeding. Including another eiAhaeding within thet group.. 55. A change to heading 2931 frcn any athar heading.