Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/915

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1887 AHNSX I (COD.) - 20- 17. TCRs 1 throu(^ 3, ineluarira, for chapter 38 ar« delated and the following new TCRa for chapter 38 are Inserted in lieu thereof (continued): 7. A China* to hMdlna MOB fnu mv ottiar hMding, provided tinr* It a rasional valut conMnt of net tan ttuni U) to ptreant Mhar* th* trnnuction vali» BMhod is UMd and the good contalna no eora than una aetlva Imradlant, or 80 parcant Nkara tiia tranaaetion valua aathod fa laad and tiia 90od cantafna aora than ona actfv* fnfradlant; or (B) 50 parcant Nhar* the natt coat atthed la UMd and the leod contalna no eera tiian ona activ* fnoradlant, er 70 paroant nhar* the nat coat aathod It utad and the good contalna aora.than ona activa Ingradlvit. 8. (A) A changa to tuUia«Hng 21809.10 Ircm any ethar uMaading, axeapt from a«MaiEltng 35(8.10; or (•> A changa to ttiiheading !ia09.10 from atttaading 3505.10, vhathar or net thara It tiao a changa from any ethar aJAaading, provided thara la a regional valua contan* of not laaa thani <1> 40 percent ahere the tranaaetion value atthod la utad, or (Z) 50 percent aher* the net coot aathod la utad. 9. A change to auUieedlnga S809..91 through 3809.92 from any other tutheading. Including another auUiaading ulthln that tnuf., 10. (A) A chai«a to aii*aad1r« !ia09.9S from ary other heedli«; or (•) A change to e>Meadli« 3809.95 from ary other nMeadli« ulthln hetdltw 3809, thathar or not there la alee a changa frta any other heading, provided there it a reglonel value cantant of not laaa than: (1) to percent uhere the tranaaetion valua aathad le ueed, er (2) 50 percent idiere the not coat aathod la uaad. 11. (A) A change to aiMaedinga 3810.10 through 3810.90 from any other chapter, except from ehaptera 28 through 38; or (•) A change to ti«ieed1r«e 3810.10 through 3810.90 from any ethar tiMieading ulthln chaptere 28 through 38, including another eiMoading within that gret^, rfiather or net there It alto a change fr«a eny other chapter, provided there la a regional value content of not loot theni (1) 60 percent idiera the tranaaetion valua aathod It utad, er (2) 50 percent ahare the nat coet aathod la uttd. a 12. <A> A change to tiMeadlnge 3811.11 through 3811.19 frea wiy other chapter, except from chaptere 28 through 38; or (•) A change to tiMeadii«a 3811.11 through 3811.19 from any other tii4ieedli« althln chaptert 28 through 38, including enothcr atWieeding uithin thet group, ahether or not there it alto a change from any other chapter, provided there It e reglonel valut content of not loot thani (1) 60 percent ahere tha traneaetion value aathod le uted, or (2> 50 percent idiere the net coat atthod It uaad. 13. A ditnge to eiMeadinge 3811.21 threu^ 3811.29 fr«a any other atMiaediiw, Imluding another atiAeading within that groi^.