Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/931

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1903 Annax II (con.) -3- 9. Tha arttcl* daaerlption of •ubha«ding 0305.41.00 la nodlflad to road aa foJLlowa: •Pacific Mlaon ItOSaitaia^B. "pflif- txatiliMtm "t^umthm. Oncttrtwnehu* |atl> mfiBEtDOKbyi tadaumtai ttmrlnmil»m Hiitdii- CmnHtuwkkm mUi ml Oneaflwiicliin rtw*«nM>. AttMtle ulBM tlataa alic) andBan** lalaon QfelEbl tHta>* 10. Kotoa 2 and 3 to chaptar A ara ranuaborad aa 3 and 4, raapactl^ely, and the following now nota 2 la lnaort«d: •2. For th* purpcMa of headlna OMBi (a) Th* tars ^mfr« aMm mturat tauttar, itfwy buttar or raeoritliwd buttw (frMh, ultad or roncW, Inelutflna canwd taittor) dorivad OKcludvaly fraa aUk, uttk a altkfat contont of SO porcont or aora but net aora ttai 95 porcont by aaliht, a anlauo allk oolldt-not-fat contont of 2 porcont by aoltfit ani a anlaui artor contont of M porcont by aol^t. luttor dooa not contain adM wulolflora, but mv eomain oodliai chlarldo, food eoloro, noutrollitna oolto and eulturoo af horatooo loetle-acld-produelflt bacteria. (b) Tha oxproaolan "dilrv oariMii" aoona a oproodibla vutalon of the HOtor-in-eU typo, conutntng •lllcfat oa tka only fot In tfco product, ulth a aUkfat contont of 39 porcont or aoro but looo than 80 porcont by uol(ht.« 11. Tha following nav aiibheadjjig not* 2 to chaptar 4 Is Inaarted: - t. For the purpooao af iiMioodlnB CMS.10 the torn "^leiatT dooa not Includi driiydratod buttar or tfiao (MMoadiiw 0«B.90>.« 12. Heading 0405.00 and s\ibha«dlngs 0405.00.05 through 0405.00.90, Inclualva, ara svq>ersod«d by the following: •Otas luttar and ethor fata and ell* dorlwad from •Ilk; dairy aproodas OUB.IO l uttor t OtOS.IO.OS Ooocrlbod In aanoral noto IS of the tariff ochodulo ond ontorad purauont to Ito prevlolora IZ.SOAs Froo (I,ILW.«} 30.90/kg 2.4«/ka (M) 0«OI.10.10 Dooerlbad In oddltlanaC U.«. noU 6 to thio chaptar and ontorod pursuant to Ito provlolona 1 2.3 0Af Froo (C,IL.4) 30.9CAI 2.««A« (C*> OWS.tO.ZO Othor t1.7 22/ka Soo 9906.0t.n -

  • 1.<13/ka

990«.«.77 (Ml) 0MI5.20 Dairy apraada: iuttor oubotitutoo, Oiothor In liquid or oelld otata: Contalntnt emr 45 poreont by Moliht of buttorfat: 0405.20.10 Doaeribod In fanorol noto 15 of the tariff ochodulo and ontoiod pursuant to Ito prsvlolona 1S.4a/k9 Frao (I,IL,4,NO S1oA« 3«/k| (C*> 0408.20.20 Ooocrlbod In odMtionat U.S. note 14 to thIo chapter ond antorod pursuant to Ito proy ta ion a 15.4«/ka Free (E.IL.J) IlO/kf 3«/k9 (Ok) 0405.20.30 Other (2.2S1/kt tee 9906.0t.40-

  • 2.S4il/ka

9906.06.42 (NX)