Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/102

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82 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. Seamen. To supply the deficiency in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 1511:-house Liglw-House Establishment.-For supplying five hundred and eleven °“*·“bl °“°· light-houses and beacon-lights with oil, glass chimneys, wicks, chamois. skins, polishing powder, whiting and cleaning materials, transportation and other necessary expenses of the same, repairing and keeping in repair the lighting apparatus, two hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty-Eve cents. - For repairs and incidental expenses, refitting and improvements of all the light-houses, and buildings connected Itherewith, one hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and twenty- one cents. For salaries of five hundred and forty-three keepers of light-houses and light-beacons and their assistants, and including one thousand two hundred dollars for salary of superintendent of supplies on the upper lakes, two hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred dollars. For salaries of fifty-one keepers of light-vessels, twenty-nme thousand and tltt dollars. For Zeamen’s wages, repairs, supplies, and incidental expenses of fifty- one light-vessels, one hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and thirt -four dollars. Fdr expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, remooring and supplying losses of buoys and day beacons, and for chains and sinkeis for the same, and for coloring and numbering all the buoys, one hundred and seven thousand two hundred and twenty-eight dollars and seventy-eight cents. For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights, and other aids to navigation, two thousand dollars. For commissions, at two and a half per centum, to such superintendents as are entitled to the same under the proviso to the act of third 1851, ch. 32- March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled “An act making appro- _ priations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government for the 6g;]" ‘X‘ PP' 598* year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and for other ` purposes," on the amount that may be disbursed by them, eight thousand dollars. Pacific c¤¤¤¤· For the coasts of C’a.l1fomia, Oregon, and Washington.-For oil and other supplies for twenty-three lights, cleaning materials of all kinds, and transportation of the same, expenses of keeping lamps and machinery in repair, publishing notices to mariners of changes of aids to navigation, forty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and seventy- five cents. For repairs and incidental expenses of twenty-three lights, and buildings connected therewith, twenty-four thousand five hundred and sixty- three dollars. For salaries of forty-six keepers and assistant keepers of light-houses, at an average not exceeding eight hundred dollars per annum, thirty-six thousand eight hundred dollars. For expenses of raising, cleaning, repairing, remooring, and supplying lossa of floating beacons and buoys, and chains and sinkers for the same, and for coloring and numbering all the buo s, twenty-0ne thousand tive hundred dollars. y y For commissplms, at two and a. half per centum, to such superintendents as are enti e to the same under the roviso to the act of third 1851, eh. 82. March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitlleid "An act making appro- . priations for the civil and di lomatic ex enses of vernment for the ear Vol. 1X. pp. 598, . . . . P P g° y 60S_ ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and Gfty-two, and for other pufp0;es,” on the amount that may be disbursed by them, one thousand o ars. Cggiggliflxiféb For completing the light-house near CoiHn’s Patches, off Dry Bank,