Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/108

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88 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. For enclosing the grounds of the Insane Asylum of the District of Columbia., thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-two dollars. For the completion of the centre building and three other sections of the Insane Asylum of the District of Columbia, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand six hundred and seventy-three dollars. Lots in Con- T0 enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase five hundred burial gressiomwi bury- lots in the Congressional buryingground, a sum not exceeding five thouing =‘·7"’““d‘ sand dollars: Provided That the same be expended in the construction of an iron fence on the north side of said burial—grounds. In mhsmmedal. T0 enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay for or allow for the [ilu1x. p. 594- engraving of the “Ingraham Medal,” in pursuance of a contract made by direction of the Secretary of the Navy under authority of law, two thousand two hundred dollars. works of cx- For replacing the works of the Exploring Expedition, destroyed by piouns Gxwdi- the fire at Philadelphia, on the eleventh April last, the sum of ten thou- "‘°"‘ sand four hundred and ninety-four dollars and forty-six cents. Public bum. To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to enlarge the building ings a-t'1‘<>|¤d0· now in progress of erection, to be used as a custom-house, and postoiice at Toledo, in the State of Ohio, by the addition of another story and otherwise, as he may tind expedient, the sum of nineteen thousand five hundred dollars, with ten per centum thereon for contingencies': Provided, That the money hereby appropriated shall not be expended until the Secretary shall have contracted, upon such security as he may approve, for the completion of the said building so enlarged, at a sum equal to or less than the amount heretofore and hereby appropriated. Seventh cen- For arranging and binding for preservation the original returns of S“$· the seventh census, and those prior thereto two thousand five hundred dollars. S,,,`..,,., in For surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard parallels, townggqijs ¤¤d N0- ship and section lines in Kansas and Nebraska, also outlines of Indian °`reservations, one hundred and one thousand dollars. Paupers iu_ For support, care, and medical treatment of transient paupers, medical X£:f£};jl€*°“ m' and surgical patients in Washington Indrmary, three thousand dollars. public grounds, For purchase of manure for the public grounds one thousand dollars. For hire of carts on the public grounds, one thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools used in the public grounds, live hundred dollars. For purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replace where necessary such as have been planted by the United States, and the repair of pavements in front of the public grounds, five thousand dollars. f llgprks 9g' lurk For furnishing and ornamenting the Capitol with such works of art °* °°“p‘ °' as may he ordered and approved by the Joint Committee on the Library, to be placed in either wing of the extension, when ready for their 1'€C€p- tion, twenty thousand dollars. Law-iibmry For enlarging and shelving the law-library room, and a new carpet

  • `°°m· and other furniture for the same, four hundred dollars.

_ Repairs <>f cup- For annual repairs of the Capitol, water-closets, public stables, water- ML pipes, pavements, and other walks within the Capitol square, broken glass, and locks, eight thousand dollars. h03Q’¤‘¤¤id¤¤*’¤ For annual repairs of- the President’s house and thrniture, improvement of grounds, purchasing trees and plants for garden, and making hotgeds therein, and contingent expenses incident thereto, six thousand o ars. Fuel nd lights- d ]¥0l' fuel in part for the President’s house, one thousand eight hunflréd o ars. For lighting the President’s house, and Capitol, the public grounds around them, and around the Executive offices, Pennsylvania avenue, and East Capitol strcct to Second street, twenty-seven thousand dollars.