Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/126

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106 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1856. the three volumes of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, from seventeen hundred and eighty-three to seventeen hundred and eighty- nine, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Reimbursement To reimburse the consular agent of the United States at the Island of gfmg<>¤¤;%M St st. Thomas, for that amount expended by him, by orders of this govern- T*g0m,,_,_ment, in landing and storing the cargo of the barque Amelia of New York, and other expenses incident thereto, laden with arms and munitions of war, wlnch were seized by order of the government and carried into said Island and there landed four thousand eight hundred and fifty dol. lars, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State. Dr. Kohl’s Maps. To enable the Secretary of State to procure copies of Dr. Kohl’s maps of the Continents and Islands of America, the sum of six thousand dollars, which shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State in such manner as he may deem best for that object. N- E. Executive Northeast Executive BuiZ0Zing.——For compensation of four lwatchmen B“'ld'"g‘ of the northeast executive building and two laborers employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act of fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz : for fuel, light, and repairs, three thousand three hundred dollars. Treasury De- Treasury Department.-For compensation of the Secretary of the P“g£I‘?;gw,S Treasury, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messenger, and 0g5mg_ assistant messenger in his ohice, and for laborers employed therein at the rate of tour hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act fourth August, 133. E36. Sgggegpllgpnmed and nfty-four, forty-eight thousand two hundred and bs lgt Comptyollgy For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks and messen- 0m<>¢· ger in his office, and for laborers employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act of fourth August, eighteen hundred and nity-four, twenty-seven thousand nme hundred dollars. 2d Cgiéptroller For {compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks and mes- °"· senger in his office, and for laborer employed therein, at the rate of four hun-

 ang gztilghgy dollars per angpun, peg act of fpurgi Alugugt, eighteelnllpun-

· an y- our, wen y-six thousand seven un re an twenty dollars. 1sté\&ditor‘s For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and °"· assistant messenger in his office, and for laborer employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act of fourth gugushdegghteen hundred and fifty-four,thirty-tive thousand eight hunre an orty dollars. 2d Auditory, For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 015% and assistant messenger in his office, and for laborer employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act of fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, thirty-five thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. 3d .3gdgor’s For compensation of the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messengers, ‘ and assistant messenger in his office, and for laborers employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act of fplurth hAugus§,§1gh;eend hundredf and fifty-four, one hundred and thirty- ree thousand ve un red and orty dollars. 4t1i6Ai;ideitor·s For compensation of the Fourth Auditor and the clerks, messenger, and °°· assistant messenger in his office, twenty-seven thousand four hundred dollarsbth 3ié¤p;or’s _ Igor gmpensiaponl og the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger · in IS o ee, an or a orer employed therein at the rate of four hundred vo], X_ p_ we and eighty dollars per annum, per act fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, sixteen thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. d_0mse of Au- For compensation of the Auditor of the Post-Oiiice Department, and gggglyrgelit 0- the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger in his office, and for laborers employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per