Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/129

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1856. 109 That the Secretary of the Interior, at his discretion, shall be and he is hereby authorized to use any portion of said appropriation for piecework, or by the day, week, month, or year, at such rate or rates as he may deem just and fair. For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the clerks, _Otiice of Commessenger, assistant messenger, and watchmen in his office, and for laborer g§E‘m;f h' employed therein at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, thirty-one thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, and the clerks, O;-5,,,, Ofcom. messenger, and assistant messenger in his office, and for laborers employed missionerofPentherein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty dollars per annum, per act s1°°S' fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one hundred and eight thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation of additional clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in the office of the Commissioner of Pensions, under the act of third 9 March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-tive, granting bounty lands, yg55Xcl;_",(g{_ and for laborers employed therein, at the rate of four hundred and eighty 1g5i, Qh, 242, dollars per annum, per act fourth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, VOL X· P- 546- seventy-one thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, and the Commissioner clerk in his office, three thousand two hundred dollars. °f Puig SB“*'d· For stationery, blank books, plans, drawings, and other contingent ex- g ` penses of the office of Commissioner of Public Buildings, two hundred and fifty dollars. Oominyent Expensgsé——Depa1‘tment of the J52t2r2SOT.- of ggnggéingzi ce Secretary of the Interior: pmm,,nt_ For books, stationery, furniture, and other contingencies, and for books Secretary. and maps for the library, four thousand seven hundred dollars. General Land Ofnce: O£°¤°ml Land For cash system and military patents, under laws prior to twenty-eighth °°“ September, eighteen hundred and fifty; patent and other records; tractbooks and blank books for this and the district land-offices ; binding plats and field-notes ; stationery, furniture, and repairs of same, and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, thirty-threethousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars. For contingent expenses in addition, under swamp-land act of twenty- eighth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, military bounty acts of }ggg’ ggQ twenty-eighth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, and twenty-second 1852; ch. 19. March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and act thirty-tirst August, 185% °h· 1]* eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the satisfaction of Virginia land warrants, twenty-six thousand one hundred dollars. For contingent expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the act of third March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, granting bounty 1855, <=h· 207- lands, to wit: For patents, patent and other records, stationery, and mis- V°l‘ x' p' 70]* cellaneous items under said act, thirteen thousand dollars. Expenses incident to the removal of the General Land-Office from the Treasury to the western wing of the Patent Office building: For record and patent cases, cases for files of correspondence, certificates, land warrants, and other papers, repairing and reconstructing old cases, so far as they can be made available, and for carpets, matting, oilcloth, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and incidental expenses attending the same, including pay of furnace-keepers, four thousand dollars. Office of Indian Affairs: Indian Atfairs. For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, and lights, and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, two thousand dollars.