Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/134

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114 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1856. Asst}, gmc., at Assay Ojioe, New 172rk.——For salaries of officers and clerks, nineteen New ¥°¥l<- thousand two hundreddollars. For wages of workmen, forty-three thousand dollars. Govnunnnnr in run rnnnrronins. T°"“·°'i°S· Territory of Oregon.——For salaries of governor, three judges, and seo. 0*30* retary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Minnesota. Zbrritory of Minnesom.——For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, nine thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty-six Apppopriation thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter said compensation, mileage 110* W ¤ <>X°°€d· and contin ent expenses shall not exceed the sums previously appropriated ed hereafter. therefor g New Mexico. Territory ofNrw Mexico.—For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. To enable the governor to employ an interpreter or translator, five hundred dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. For providing for f:ire—proof vaults for the security of the archives of the Territory of New Mexico, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Utah. Territory of Utah.-For salaries of governor, superintendent of Indian affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. ° W¤¤1¤i¤¤st<>¤- Territory ty Washington.--For salaries of governor, superintendent of gnilliaarn affairs, three judges, and secretary, twelve thousand five hundred o s. d por contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred o ars. For compensation and mileage of th! members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. Nebraska. Territory of Ahbraslca.-—-For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. K¤¤¤¤S· Territory of Kansas.—For salaries of governor, three judges and Secretary, ten thousand five hundred dollars. d §`01‘ contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand five hundred o ars. Salgsggcimg; Jueiiciarj/.——lf•‘or salaries of the chief justice of the Supreme Court Judges_ and eight associate judges, fifty-four thousand five hundred dollars. For salary of the circuit judge of California, four thousand five hundred dollars.