Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/17

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. XV Pa e Fort Gratiot, right of way over, 51:., military mms at. An act granting the right of way over, g and depot groun s on, the military reserve at Fort Gratiot, in the State of Michigan, for railroad purposes. February 8, 1859, ch. 26 .. . . 381 Maine, gayment ty' certain claims af An act to provide for the payment of the claims of the tate of Maine, for expenses incurred by that State in organizing a regiment of volunteers for the Mexican war. February 9, 1859, ch. 27 . . .. 382 Massachusetts and Rhode Island, suit between. An act to authorize the Attorney-General to represent the United States in the proceeding in equity now pending in the Supreme Court between the commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. February 9, 1859, ch. 28 ... 382 Oregon admitted into the Union. An act for the admission of Oregon into the Union. February 14, 1859, ch. 88 .. 383 Mobile and Ohia°Railroad Company. An act for the relief of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company. February 18, 1859, ch. 35 ... . .. . ... 384 Settlers upon sixteenth and thirt sixth sections ofpublie lands. An act to authorize settlers upon sixteenth and thirty-sixfth] sections, who_ settled before the surveys of the public lands, to preempt their settlements. February 26, 1859, ch. 58. . . .. 385 School lands in Sarpy Count?/, Nebraska Territory. An act to protect the land fund for school purposes in arpy County, Nebraska Territory. February 26. 1859, ch. 59 ... Washington National Monument bbeiety. An act to incorporate the Washington National Monument Society. February 26, 1859, ch. 60 ... . . 386 Repayment for lands erroneously sold. An act to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing repay- ment for land erroneously sold by the United States." February 28, 1859, ch. 64 .. 387 Two per cent. land fund of the State tf Missouri. An act giving the assent of Congress to B. law of the Missouri legislature for the application of the reserved two per cent. land fund of said State. February 28, 1859, ch. 65 .. 388 Indian appropriation. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, ftp the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty. February 28, 1859, 388 c . 66 .. Bujblo and Lake Huron Railroad Company, certificates of enrollment, Qc., to issue to vessels if An act to authorize the enrollment, registry, and license of certain steamboats, or vessels, owned by the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad Company. March 1, 1859, ch. 68 . 402 Lhnnesota, terms of federal district courts in. An awt supplemental to an act for the admission of the State of Minnesota into the Union. March 8, 1859, ch. 74 ... 402 Consular and diplomatic appropriation. An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the government, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty. March 3, 1859, cb. 75 . . ... 402 Naval service a propriationsjbr. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty. March 8, 1859, ch. 76. . 404 China, convention between the United States and. An act to carry-into eifect the convention between the United States and China, concluded on the eighth of November, eighteen hundred and Hhy-eight, at Shanghai. March 3, 1859, ch. 77 408 Zimber on reserved United States’ lands. An act to protect the timber growing upon lands of the United States reserved for military and other purposes. March 3, 1859, ch. 78 408 Yancton and Tonawanda Indians, treaty with, and transportation ty" the mails. An act making uppropriations for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the Yancton and Tonawanda Indians for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty, and for other purposes. March 3, 1859, ch. 79, . . .. 409 Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation. An wet making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty. March 3, 1859, ch. 80 .., 410 Light-/wase, Light-boats b s yo. appro riation. An act making appropriations for light-houses, lightrboets, budysvfdd., and providing for the erection and establishment of the same, and for other purposes. March 3, 1859, ch. 81 . ... . 423 Civil expenses appropriation. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty. March 8, 1859, ch. 82 ... . . 425 Army appropriation. An act making appropriations for the_ support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty. March 3, 1859, ch. 83 . . . 481 vox. xr. rmx.-c