Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/170

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150 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80. 1856. Oregon Territory, and in New Mexico, two hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and fifty-seven dollars. Armories. For repairs and improvements and new machinery at Harper’s Ferry, thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-two dollars. For repairs and new machinery at Springfield armory, Massachusetts, thirty-eight thousand dollars. For the completion, including water wheels and shafting of the new water shops, grading grounds, and construction of bridge at Springfield Armory, Massachusetts, sixty thousand dollars. Surveys. For surveys for military defences, geographical explorations, and reconnaissances, for military purposes, twenty-five thousand dollars, For purchase and repairs of instruments, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the Northern and Northwestern lakes, including Lake Superior, fifty thousand dollars. For printing charts of lake surveys, five thousand dollars. Post-omee ex- For the Post-Ollice extension, three hundred thousand dollars.

  • ¤¤§°r¤;lm0eS ,D For arrearages prior to July first, one thousand eight hundred and fifomcg O; °,h;,ld teen, payable through the office of the Third Auditor, under an act approved

auditor. l\Iay first, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, in addition to the balance undrawn in the treasury, two thousand dollars. Florida volun- For pay, furnishing and maintaining with quarter-master’s stores and M"' supplies, and subsistence of mounted and foot companies of Florida volunteers called into the service of the United States, two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-two cents. Approved, August 30, 185 6. Aug. 80, 1856. CHAP. XXX.--An Act to fix the Times of hvlding, in the Stattzpf Delaware, the Election """; rfa Representative in the Congress of the Uni States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Time of hold- States of America in Congress assembled, That the first 'Tuesday after §§m°l°°“°“‘ m the iirst Monday in November in the present year, and the first Tuesday ware for a . . ,ep,·€s.,¤m;v° to after the first Monday in November m every second year hereafter, shall C<>¤gF<>SS· be and the same is hereby appointed and established for holding elections in the State of Delaware for a representative of said State in the Congress of the United States of America. Provided, That the said elections shall be conducted in such manner and held at such places as are or may be prescribed by the laws of the said State of Delaware. Approved, August 30, 1856.