Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/173

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PUBLIC ACTS OF THE THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS or mma UNITED STATES. Passed at the third session, which was began and holden at the Oity of Washington, in the District of Oiolambia, on Jlhnday the second day of December, 1856, and ended Tuesday the third day of Jlfarch, 1857. FRANKLIN PIERCE, President. JESSE D. BRIGHT, President of the Senate, pro tempore, till January 5, 1857, and J AMES M. IVIASON from that time till the close of the Session. NATHANIEL P. BANKS, Jun., Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAP. II.-An Act providing jbr the compulsory Prepayment of Postage on all transient Jan, 2, 1857. printed Matter. "‘"' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ty the United States <y” America in Congress assembled, That the provision in the act s,$St“$€ °ft"‘“` . . . prmtedmat approved August thirty, eighteen hundred and nfty-two, entitled "An act te,. to be pmp;,id_ to amend the act entitled an act to reduce and modify the rates of postage 1852, ch- 98- in the United States, and for other purposes, passed March three, eight- V0, X P 3S_ een hundred and fifty-one," permitting transient printed matter to be senf ` through the mail of the United States without prepayment of postage, be and the same is hereby repealed. And the postage on all such transient matter shall be prepaid by stamps or otherwise, as the Postmaster General may direct. APPROVED, Jan. 2, 1857. CHAP. XII.—An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to promote the Eficicncy of the Jan. 16, 1857. Nav}/." l865, ch. 127. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United pp§€;;7;l§gg_pO$Z’ States of America in Obngress assembled, That, upon the written request, NNY 0Hi0€1‘S made within ninety days after the passage hereof, or within thirty days ggggggj 22pm_ alter the I·cturn of any officer absent from the United States at the time tired under uct ot' the passage of this act, provided he shall return within one year after gg1g55k2h- liv the passage of this act, by any officer of the navy who was dropped, fur- 9X,¥m,,,mO,,°“ by loughed, or retired, by the operation of the act of the twenty-eighth of ¤c<>¤r¢ of inqui- I February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, entitled "An act to promote W the efficiency of the navy," the Secretary of the Navy shall cause the V°1‘x‘ P' Gm physical, mental, professional, and moral fitness of such officer for the naval service to be investigated by a court of inquiry, which shall be governed by the laws and regulations which now govern courts of inquiry; and the said court shall in their finding report whether the said officer, if Beportby Slwh he has been dropped from the rolls of the navy, ought to be restored, °°“"' and, if restored, whether to the active list or the reserved list, and if to the latter, whether on leave of absence or furlough pay; and in case the officer making the written request, as aforesaid, shall have been placed on the reserved list, then the court, in their Ending, shall report whether the said officer ought to be restored to the active list, or, if not restored, whether he ought to remain on the retired list on leave of absence or VOL. XI. PUIs.—20