Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/176

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156 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 24, 25. 1857 a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars and not less than one hundred dollars, and suifer imprisonment in the common jail not less than one month nor more than twelve months. No pcrsopfo be Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Than no person examined and tem- Qlgjfd ,lg"‘“;‘§é:§,, fying before either House of Congress, or any committee of either House, respeeiiiig which shall be held to answer criminally in any court of justice, or subject to h¤_ has been any peuelty or forfeiture for any fact or act touching which he shall be

 tgnifgll y required to testify before either House of Congress or any committee of

House of Con- either House as to which he shall have testified whether before or after

 °“Y °°m' the date of this act, and that no statement mode or paper produced by any

Nothing dis- witness before either House of Congress or before any committee of either OY9S9d by SMP House, shall be competent testimony in any criminal proceeding against géigss Qzsiisgb such witness in any court of justipe; and no Wétness shall hereafter be min. _ allowed to refuse to testif to an oct or to pro uce any paper touclninv n,_§° ;‘ggScg‘t‘ which he shall be examihed byyeither House of Congress, or any com? frzm answer-ang mittee of either House, for the reason that his testimony touching such 0** the _ emiénd thet or the production of such paper may tend to disgrace him or other-

eh§f;;e?m` wise render him infamous
Provided, That nothing in this act shall be

_Provis¤ fqrpnn- construed to exempt any witness from prosecution and punishment for Lxllgwhfggy m perjury committed by him in testifying as aforesaid. yvim6,m`}ag;- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That when a witness shall fail to i¤S*•¤¤¤fif>'.}10W testify, as provided in the previous sections of this act, and the facts shell br°°ght °° mal' be reported to the House, it shall be the duty of the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate to certify the fact under the seal of the House or Senate to the district attorney for the District of Columbia, whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for their action. APPROVED, January 24, 1857. . .—— k`` lu ».._.l‘·“‘·"’“'· Cm XXi1$elitq~*.*i}`£}Zlttie7.‘.3’n!7ti3t €$Z5}’Y' NZ€‘ij,`ZL°L?ttZe‘Zl""d f" ”‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United {mmm of aP_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of one thousand pi~opi·i¤tiomi for seven hundred and sixty dollars and forty-nine cents, being the balance °P“S* ““""3' °‘“" remuininn of the appropriations made by Congress in the years eivhteen med to surplus ° . ° . y-,,,,d_ ,.mPp,.,,p,.;_ hundred and forty, andleighteeu hundred and forty-one, for the survey of 43:32% :35 Otilgtlsn the coast from Apalaelucola bay to the mouth of the Mississippi River, ‘ for the aseertainment of the preeticabihty of establishing a navy yard and naval station which should best subserve the protection of the commerce of the Gulf of Mexico, which balance has been carried to the credit of the surplus fund, be and the same is hereby reeppropriated, for the payment of the sum due Lieutenant John Guest, United States Navy, (six hundred and seventeen dollars,) for services rendered in such survey, and for other lawful claims of officers who were employed in that survey. Amuzovsu, January 26, 1857. Jan. 28, 1857. CHAP. XXV.—An Act autherizinq the establishing of a Navy Depot on Blythe bland, at ”"‘*** Brunswick, on the Coast <y" Geozjqia, undjbr other Pwposw. Asite 0,, B1 the Be it enacted the Senate and House o R resentathes 0 the United Is|={¤d(Ga.) thbe States of Americézyin Congress assembled, Tjhatljhe President oil" the United ff;Q,3`°f:g,J°' “Stags be spd he is hereby authorized to purchase a site for a navy depot Buildings. on ythe sland, on the coast of Georoia and to erect such buildinvs and make such improvements as may be iiedessary for the repair of {lnited Appropriation, States vessels of wm-, and s.H`o1-d refuge therefor, and that the sum of two hundred thousand dollars be appropriated for effecting that object, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED, January 28, 1857.