Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/190

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170 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 90. 1857. the Interior may deem necessary to the public service, five thousand dollars. For fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes: g,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,, Oamamhes, IGowas, and Apaches of Arkansas River.-—For fourth of iivwes. ¤¥}_d Ar ten instalments for the purchase. of goods, provisions, and agricultural im. k:;;l;°§i;;,._plements, per sirth article treaty twenty-seventh July, eighteen hum},-cd vo], x_ P_ 10;.;, and fifty-three, eighteen thousand dollars. For expenses of transportation of the fourth of ten instalments of Vol. x. p. 1014. goods, provisions, and agricultural implements, per sixth article treaty tlwlenty-seventh July, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, seven thousand 0 ars. Blackfoot Ns,. Blackfoot Nation.—For second of ten instalments as annuity, to be tion. expended in the purchase of such goods, provisions, and other useful articles, as the President, at his discretion, may from time to time deterp0S,,p_ 6;9_ mine, per ninth article of the treaty of seventeenth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-five twenty thousand dollars. For second of ten instalments as annuity, to be expended in establishing and instructing them in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, and in educating their children, and promoting civilization and Christianity, at the disgetion of the President, per tenth article of the treaty of seven.- teenth ctober eighteen hundred and fifty-five fifteen thousand dollars. For expenses of transportation and delivery of annuities in goods and provisions, seventeen thousand dollars. chippewns or Ohippewas ¢y" Lake Superior.—Fulfilling the treaty of thirtieth Sep- L¤k¤ S¤P°¤°¤‘· tember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. vol vu 592 For two thirds of sixteenth of twenty-five instalments in money, per v,,{_ x_'pl?'u0d iburth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eight thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three' cents. For two thirds of sixteenth of twenty·6ve instalments in goods, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven thousand dollars. For two thirds of sixteenth of twenty-five instalments, for the support of' schools, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred plpd fifty-four, one thousand three hundred und thirty-three dollars and irty-three cents. { For two thirds of sixteenth of twenty-five instalments for the purchme o provisions and tobacco per fourth article treaty fourth October eighlteeu hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep; tem er eighteen hundred and Efty-four one thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cenfs. For third of twenty instalments in coin, goods, household fumiture, and cooking utensils, agricultural implements and cattle, carpenters and other tools, and building materials, and for moral und educational purposes, per fourth artiple thxmeth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nineteen thousand ollars. For third of Eve instalments in blankets, cloths, nets, guns, ammunition, and such other articles of necessity as they may require, to the Bois (hoxéte per twelfth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hunre an ty- our two thousand dollars. For third of twenty instalments for six smiths and assistants, per second pnd ififth talrticlesd treaty thirtietlx September, eighteen hundred and fifty- our ve thousand an orty ol ars. Flor third of twenty instalments for the support of six smiths’ shops, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.