Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/194

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174 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 30. 1857. poses of education, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars. For payment of this amount per capita to the Creek nation as annuity, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no portion of this sum shall be appropriated to pay or reward any agent, attorney, or other pep. son, for any service or pretended service in negotiating said treaty. For the payment of such portion of the consideration provided by the amendment of the Senate to the sixth article of the treaty of seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, as the general council of the Creek nation shall direct to be paid to the treasurer of said nation for any specified national object, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That only so much thereof as shall be so specified shall be paid to said treasurer, and the remainder of the sum, if any, shall be paid per capita to the Creek nation as annuity. For the amount to be paid under the direction of the Creek council to those Creeks or their descendants who emigrated west of the Mississippi Vol. vii. p. 366. prior to the treaty of fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. For payment of such other claims of individual Creek Indians as may be found equitable and just by the general council of the nation, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seventy thousand dollars. For this amount to be paid to those individuals and their heirs who, 1887, ob. 41. under the act of third Llarch, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, have V0}- V- P- 186- received money in lieu of reservations of land, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars. Fulfilling the articles negotiated tenth January, eighteen hundred and _ fifty-five, with certain bands of h%‘I;£3°*(’li;gg: Oalapooicw, Jlhlala, and Uliclcamezs Indians of Wtllametle Valley.- ,;,;; ;,,g,,f,,s of For third of five instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, per second \Vi11r~metfe Val- article of treaty tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ten thou- I8{‘ sand dollars. l'°1' X' P' l14a' For third of five instalments for pay of physician, teacher, blacksmith, and farmer,_per third article treaty tent/z January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. D¤l*¤"=¤‘°S· DeZawczres.—-For life annuity to chief; per private article to supplemental Vol. vn. p. a2?. treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine. to Vol. vn. p. 188. treaty of third October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one hundred dollars. V°l· vii- P- 399- For life annuity to chief, per supplemental article to treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one hundred dollars. For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars at five per centum, being the value of thirty-six sections of land set apart by treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, for education, per resolution of Senate nineteenth January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, two thousand three hundred and four dollars V°1‘ x' p` 104** For fourth of eight equal instahnents for payment of five chiefs, per sixth article treaty sixth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Fl°¤‘§*’· _ Nfl- Florida Indians, or SeminoZes.—For fourteenth of fifteen instalments in °ms’°r_ °mm° °°' goods, per sixth article treaty fourth January, eighteen hundred and forty- V°l‘ "" P' SR five, two thousand dollars. For fourteenth of fifteen instalments in money, per sixth article treaty fourth January, eighteen hundred and forty-tive, and fourth article treaty Vol. vii. p. 369_ ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three thousand dollars. For the payment of this amount in lieu of the present improvements of the Seminoles west, and in full for the expenses of their removal and