Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/205

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THIRTY~FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 91. 1857. 185 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That hereafter the agents for the a Egiglles °f Sioux and Seminole Indians, for the Omaha agency, for the Kickapoo g ' agency, for the Kansas agency, and for the Neosho agency, shall receive _ each an annual salary of one thousand five hundred dollars, instead of the salary of one thousand dollars now allowed by law. Sec. 3. And be it _/ierther enacted, That in lieu of the provisions for _ the exercise of the duties of superintendents of Indian affairs in the Ter- iE*3;‘;*'*¤;°Q$;’;£ ritories of Oregon, Washington, Utah, and New Mexico, as now pro- ;ngt0f{,{,],’,,,d vided. by law, the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, I~{ew_Mexi&o terby and with the advice and consent of the Senate, one superintendent of m°"“‘ Indian affairs for the Territories of Washington and Oregon, at the annual _ _ salary of twenty-Eve hundred dollars; one superintendent of Indian Th°"`s“1‘m°" affairs for the Territory of New Mexico, and one for the Territory of Utah, each at the annual salary of two thousand dollars; and that from S I _ f th and after such separation of the duties of said offices, the governor of 0V2Q2f8s OM ° Washington shall receive the same salary as that paid to the governor of iliose territories. Oregon; and the governors of Utah and New Mexico shall each receive _ the salary of twenty-five hundred dollars. The superintendents of Indian u§:;P€;"‘;]l§“(;l‘§;‘£°: affairs in the Territories of Oregon, Vlfashington, Utah, and New Mexico, treaties, g shall negotiate no treaties with any Indian tribes within said territories, unless instructed thereto by the President of the United States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That one of the second class clerk- (§1¢¥k¤hiP¤ i¤ ships in the Indian bureau shall hereafter be made a. third class clerk- Iudmu human' ship, to be designated by the commissioner of Indian affairs. Sr-:0. 5. And be it further enacted, That in settling the accounts of ac§§:g€s";;“,}h3§ Thomas J. Henly, as superintendent of Indian affairs in California, the y_ Henry_ ` accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized to allow him the amount of seven hundred and fifty dollars, paid by him to Sanders and Bonham for interest upon money advanced by them on account of the Indian service in California, upon his producing satisfactory vouchers for these expenditures. APPROVED, March 3, 1857. Cnu. XCI.—An Act to establish an additional Land District in the State of Wisconsin. March St 1857- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the districts of lands now subject to sale at La Crosse and Hudson, in the State of Wisconsin, as are contained within the following boundaries, shall con- _ stitute a new land district, to be called the Chippewa district, to wit: 1g3Q?"::;,;';,? iorth of the line dividing townships twenty-four and twenty-five north; tuted. south of the line dividing townships forty and forty-one north; west of the line dividing ranges one and two east, and east of the line dividing ranges eleven and twelve west; the location of the office for which shall be designated by the President of the United States, and shall by him from time to time be changed as the public interest may seem to require. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or during the recess thereof and until the end of its next session after such appointment, a register and receiver for said district, who shall respec- 0m°°'“ lh°'°°£ tively be required to reside at the site of the office, be subject to the same laws, and entitled to the same compensation as is or may hereafter ge prescribed by law in relation to other land officers of the United tates. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sales shall continue at the Sales to continpe old land offices at La Crosse and Hudson till the registers and receivers Qfcdd °m°°“ mh thereat are notified that the officers for the district created by this act are ` prepared to enter on their duties. vox,. xr. Pun.—24