Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/223

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 106. 1857. 203 part thereof, eighty thousand four hundred and fifty dollars and ten cents. For continuing-the experiment of sinking Artesian wells upon the pub- Artesian wells. lic lands, to be expended nmder the direction of the Secretary of War, one hundred thousand dollars. For repairs and new machinery at Springfield armory, Massachusetts, Springfield Ar sixty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-five dollars. mory. For the erection and completion of the water-shops at Springfield armory, seventy thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars. For repairs and improvements and new machinery at Harpefs Ferry, Harpers Ferry thirty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars. A““""Y· For iinishing and furnishing the armory for the militia of the District _Armoryin Disof Columbia, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven dollars. °"°t°fC°1“"‘b'“‘ For surveys for military defences, geographical explorations, and recon- Surveys. naissances, for military purposes, seventy-tive thousand dollars. For purchase and repairs of instruments, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes, including Lake Superior, fifty thousand dollars. For printing charts of lake surveys, five thousand dollars. For machinery, tools, and fixtures required for an arsenal of construe- Arsenal at Fay- tion at Fayetteville, North Carolina, including the cost of putting the °“"‘u°‘ machinery in place, fifty thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For repairs of the government bridge over mill creek, Old Point Com- Byjd c M; gm fort, Virginia, eight hundred dollars. Point dcmfort For rebuilding the barracks at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, which were de- Bmmks at stroyed by tire on the twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and 1'ifty- C=¤liSl¤- seven, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the purchase of stoves for the quarters of officers and soldiers of Sl<>v¤¤· the army, twenty-thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of War to settle the accounts of the tln-ee oth- 0ll'l¤¤¤{¤ wif lf cers of the army who were sent to Europe in the year eighteen hundred E“'°l’° "' 1855 and fifty-five to collect information on military affairs, four thousand six hundred and seven dollars and twenty-nine cents. For the purpose of making further tests of gun metal for heavy can- mgtgifs °f gun non, twenty-Eve thousand dollars. For completing the Point Douglas and Saint Louis River road, thirty- ,,,§°é':° L]?,°£§]°`° one thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents. River road. For completing the Point Douglas and Fort Ripley road, four thousand §°l,E'*rtD1‘§·‘¥:' six hundred and ninety-tive dollars and one cent. 3,,; 0 P y For repairing the bridge over Cannon River, two thousand dollars. Bridge Qvef Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be added to the C*¥.‘f;‘;"m£;$;`;m, quartermastefs department of the army five military storekeepers, who military storeshall give the bond and security required by the existing law; and they k°§P°”·f to and all other military storekeepers shall have in kind, and in kind only, k,,,.,?;,.; S r°` the fuel and quarters of first lieutenant of the army. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the master armorers at the na- Pay of master tional armories shall receive fifteen hundred dollars each per annum. ‘“'m°"°”· Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of the act ap- Act ot 1819, proved March third, eighteen hundred and nineteen, entitled "An act gl,?;,,;? G?t;g§gé° authorizing the sale of certain military sites," be and they are hereby v01_ {gi, P_ 520: extended to all military sites, or to such parts thereof which are or may become useless for military purposes: Provided, nevertheless, That nothing · Such sites ai in this act, nor in the act above mentioned, shall be so construed as to im- Wsubm 31**** pair in any wise the right of the State within which any such site or mm r °' reservation may be situated to impose taxes on the same, in like manner as upon other lands or property owned by individuals within the State after such sale. Sec. 5. And be itfurtker enacted, That [there be appropriated] for New Mexico pay, subsistence, and commuted allowance of six companies of volunteers, ¥g},‘g‘°“”m